To Be or Not to Be:

Day 2,669, 15:07 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Whether it's nobler, to suffer the sling and arrows of outrageous misfortune or take up arms, against a sea of trouble.

I'll be running for the Socialist Freedom Party Presidency.
My objectives are simple;

The RC has openings for everyone. If you are new or old, we can help to enlighten each other. You should not hesitate to ask a child about the facts of eLife.

#1. My goal is communication. I have surrounded myself with the most brilliant and ambitious team that was ever assembled.

#2. Although, "Improviser," isn't a prestigious title; I will improvise:
A. If you don't want to go to our forum; you may vote in the party thread.
B. Most of our discussions take place in-game. and our treasury amount is on display, at all times.
C. Responsibilities are distributed, between membership, according to our party constitution.

#3. Many men and women have gone on a journey. However, with the installation of this Bloodythirsty Totalitarian Bastard Our Exalted, High Lord, many have questioned whether there's any point.
A. You can follow, closely, the train of fools. You, may, get a chance to be just like them. The only thing you would have to fear is the future.
B. Alternately, you can join those that are opposed to the dictator. Plato has turned this into a war game. We must build a wall around those that were lost. Prepare for what is to come because the things that you fear are coming.

Those are your choices. (Without Military Power, you haven't got any, real, power.)

My Experience:

1. I have served a total of 9 terms, as Party President. I have served, as party president of three sixth parties;
a. The Party of the Revolution.
b. Socialist Freedom Party
c. Vox Populi

2. I have served on the NSC, to coordinate our war effort.

3. I was commander of American Libertad and a founding member of AIM.

4. I've been a member the TC, USAF, Bear Cavalry, Internationale, AIM and Libertad.

5. I'm the creator of the Rainy Day Food Reserve Initiative and Tanks for Tots.

6. I'm acting as treasurer of the Socialist Freedom Party.

7. I have served 2 congressional terms.

8. I worked on two mentoring programs

9. I was the highest ranking communications officer, in the eSalvation Army.

10. I started a modest paper and experimented with the media module.

Just to name a few.

Grab a pen and paper. Help us write the people's history.