Tigers and wolves

Day 2,488, 01:02 Published in India India by Patanjali
Om bhūr bhuvah svah

Tigers (Sher) do not form pack’s, especially if they are old. They are solitary hunters and very territorial. Yet, those territorial possession is not necessarily related to an inherited territory.
Only tiger female (Bagh) take care of the cubs, until they are big enough to became tigers.

On the other hand, wolves form Pack, and them strength reside in that. A Pack is, first of all, an hierarchy, with clear tasks and positions for each member. No disobedience from the Pack hierarchy or rules is allowed, and severe punishments are in order for such behavior.
Females have a well known place in the Pack hierarchy and they rule it, excepting the case of hunting, but, anyhow, they are somehow equal to males.

Ok, and what is the purpose of this zoological intro?

Well, I will describe a little more how wolves organize themselves in this eWorld, so you better understand the connection.

They start by forming squads of about 3 to 10 members (depending on the total population). Forming phase could take up to 3 month’s.
Doing so they learn to coordinate themselves in those small groups, to know each other and to form the “natural hierarchy”. This will help them to better work together.
In these 3 months, those squads could learn how to coordinate themselves, could develop communications channels, could know each other RL program/ availability, etc.

Basically this is the working model of all eR army (with small diversions).

Model I suggest for eIndia:
1. Form squads of 3 players, create them so that they could share some values. All those 3 players from the cell, should be in same division (same MU too).
2. Instruct them to keep contact one with others through Messages -> that for one will be nominated as leader of the cell. The leader will keep communication with a superior.
3. Centurion. (Pack’s structure, alliances)
He is also member in a cell, but he will also be responsible for 10 cells, to coordinate them/supply if needed, etc. He could nominate helpers.
Preferably he will be an experienced player, but, more preferably he will be available for the game.
SO, this group of 10 cells will gather 30 players, from the same division.
If this will not be possible, then diminish the number of cells but keep them in the same division.
In case the Army will grow, every 10 Centurions (which came from 100 but was never the case) will be leaded by a Primus (so to say the best of them).

Now all this structure should be subordinate to CP and MoD, which will represent the political power and strategically decision makers.

Research Wing should be somewhere between Army and Diplomacy, use them both and serve them both.

Economy of the Pack

Those cell must be formed since a new player came into game. This will help him to better understand the game (from others, in same cell or different, and from superiors or trainers).

Also, new players will be directed to work in the “military and economic conglomerate”, meaning each MU should have companies (put at disposal by some members or through ORGanizations’ – if India still have them) to produce food and weapons for the members.
If not, a public procurement system should be created (so the Government – MoD or the MU could provide food and weapons to players – especially those new).
Regarding all this, the process must be transparent and above suspicions because dealing with money and products could be tempting.
For example a public procurement auction could be held, at a certain date of every month and all players could chose to sell them products there, for the price that Government offer.

Also, there is always the “brotherhood” system (Bengali players will like this commune) that could be from between members of a cell, for example, or members from a group of cells or, etc.
That mean each one produce something (raw food, food, raw weapons, weapons, houses) of different quality and exchange them to other products, made by another commune fellow. Or just work for another member of the commune, in better conditions than those on the market (get extra food or weapons as payment, transferred as gift).


Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !

Chalte, Chalte !