This is your official elk petting instructor speaking

Day 3,060, 15:43 Published in Norway Finland by Elquee

Hello Norway,

as you may have noticed, I was declared the (official!) elk petting instructor by our beloved Yanisin.

This has many advantages for you:

1. To teach the world the do´s and dont´s of elg petting is a very time consuming job. From now on you can concentrate on doing what has to be done in eRepublik, without worrying that strangers are coming and treating the elks not correctly.

1.1. Since the elks are a full time job it would be very nice if you could inform me about the important things going on in the game, i.e. who we are at war with, what has to be done, what these strange thingies at the market mean and why I can´t buy tanks. Which means: You try as usual to tell me what I should do, and I care for the elks.

2. It is very important the elks are treated right, therefor it is forbidden to be mean to the official elk petting instructor.

3. An elk petting manual will follow.

4. Why can´t I buy tanks?