The Struggle For Peace & Unity in eIreland

Day 2,364, 22:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Colin Fox
Scottish Socialist Voice
May 11th, 2014 (Day 2,364)

Sir Colin Fox

My dear laddies and lassies of Eire, I write to you about the greatest truth about eIreland. We've always had factions at every point in our history, some have driven us into a couple civil wars. We only took energy away from what energy could be directed to our enemies instead of actually playing the game to win. When you hold onto the past, it only distracts you from the present.

If eIreland could have one big discussion - one with a representative from each "faction" to come up with goals we have in common. We work together towards achieving this goal and that will keep us from being bored with the actual gameplay. We should have an IRC channel for disputes and call it the "Thunderdome" - two men enter, only one man leaves. Then we screenshot the conversation and publish them in the Ministry of Community articles.

If we are truly to establish a socialist republic, we must be united in a Common Goal. eIreland has been home to a strong citizenry, proud of our Republican Socialist roots and the days when we flew the eIrish flag over London! Or during the Great December Revolution, when we banded together as Sons of Eireann and the Fenian Brotherhood (known as the "Popular Liberation Front" for a brief amount of time). The formation of the Irish Army soon followed and we fought the British out of eIrish lands.

The 'Independent' Labour versus 'New' Labour competition should not erupt in another comment-catfight war. All actions we take from this point on is what will define what kind of players we are and how to judge our characters. A socialist republic can only be successful if it undergoes a social revolution beforehand.

ILP members, I humbly ask for your votes in this next Party President election. Put your trust in me and I will lead you admirably and perhaps convince those whose heart lies not in their party but in the struggle for a socialist eIrish republic! The ones who have dedicated most of their efforts towards achieving this goal and not helping the enemy by distracting each other from the real enemy.

I declare the manifesto of unity, as united as the whole of eIreland should be one day. We will always have our differences, grudges, biased attitudes towards each other but doesn't every e-society. What makes a nation successful is they put enough collective effort behind certain goals held by the majority of the population and they deal with the internal affairs without civil wars.

Tomorrow will bring a red dawn and all those who are committed to the eIrish Republic is my ally. Let's talk about what our shared goals are, agree upon those goals, and play the game. Labour Unite!

“You cannot conquer Ireland. You cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom. If our deed has not been sufficient to win freedom, then our children will win by a better deed.” Pádraig Pearse.

Your's Truly,
Colin Fox