The Mindless Menace of eUSA Society

Day 1,418, 17:47 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

Our country is one facing a potential crisis, caused by divisions; the most notable of late is the military division between the USAF and the JCS, this is not the only division however, there are divisions between members of congress, between congress and the executive, between the old and the new, the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak, the elite and those struggling to make a name for themselves in this game.

There are those who practice and teach that party comes before country, ego comes before effort, age comes before activity, apathy comes before opportunity, there are those that will have you believe that speaking out is a crime, that you should just follow suit, or be crushed.

There are those who are either unwilling or unable to accept change, those who cannot, or do not see the problems of the country, those who believe waiting will somehow solve the problems, when the fact is those who do not take action, are often the ones who never succeed, elitists who try to control you through force and threat are only the voice of madness, not the voice of America, whenever We the People give into conformity and just follow along mindlessly the whole nation is degraded.

For to often we honor swagger, and bluster and the wielders of force, to often we excuse those who are willing to build their own eLives on the shattered dreams of other players. Some will look for scapegoats, others look for conspiracy, but this much is clear anger breads violence, repression breads retaliation, and worse is the violence of institutions, indifference, inaction, and decay of our unity, this is the violence that afflicts the younger players, this is the slow destruction of the American spirit by those caught up in the past, while denying the present problems, and fearing the future.

For when you teach someone to hate and to fear other players based on beliefs, or the policies they pursue, when you teach that these people threaten our freedom, our jobs, and our country as a whole, then you also impress into them that they are to confront others not as fellow citizens but as enemies, to be met not with cooperation, but with conquest, to be subjugated and to be mastered.

Our eLives are too short, the work to be done is to let this sprit flourish any longer, so we must remember if only for a time, that we must unite so that we may all live out our elives in purpose and in happiness, surely we can learn at the least that division will never result in success, and that we the people of eAmerica must work a little harder to end the division and to bring unity back to the eUNITED States of America, so that we can become countrymen once again.