The Irish Invasion

Day 1,721, 09:10 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Firefox30

Well quite the interesting day. Strike Sunday saw a nice boost in damage done, an impressive 23mil damage was dealt during our designated strike time.

This is the highest we have ever dealt during this small period of time.

The standout winner goes to Kamoris with 7,777,171 damage (more was caused after the strike was over).

We also saw 3 competitions being ran over the week.

Regiment with the most BH's
The winning Regiment and the prize of 10 gold and 100 Q7 tanks goes to Regiment 3. This goes in large part to Wayne taking 12 BH's in the week! Wayne is going to be away for a bit, so will hand this out on his return

The final result was as follows

Regiment 3 = 23 BH's
Regiment 5 = 20 BH's
Regiment 2 = 14 BH's
Regiment 4 = 13 BH's
Regiment 1 = 7 BH's

Awesome job by all those that took part \o/

Lowest Damage for a BH
This award goes to Meklon Dramicus of Regiment 4.....for winning a BH with a score of 2992k...this was easily the lowest amount.....

Meklon will receive 600 Q5 food and 60 Q6 tanks
Matt Timmins 300 Q5 food with 30 Q6 tanks
ShadyJay 100 Q5 food and 10 Q6 tanks.

Colouring-in Competition
Some great efforts have been submitted, and will now be reviewed for a winner to be announced in due course.

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