The Future

Day 1,731, 22:57 Published in Australia USA by Majester

Music to ruminate by.

Australia, once again, is at a cross road.

We can continue the well deserved grudge against Indonesia. This involves us biting at their heels and undermining their every move. We actively engage allies to frustrate and conquer them. WE keep up the well deserved bad press. We keep hating.

Or we can look to the future and emerge from the darkness. We acknowledge that Indonesia has been reasonably behaved over the last year; humbled since our last rally against them on diplomatic and war fronts. We see them as a potential partner who we can grow with instead of stalemate in opposition. We embrace a future where a grudging respect can blossom into something more positive. Perhaps even friendship. We continue on the path of an emergent Australia in a brave new world.

It depends on both our behaviours. You have to give to receive.

The current Senate are divided in our future with Indonesia. This means Australia is divided. I ask you to carefully consider our course over the next year. We will take the steps to the future now.

Elect Senators who will build the Australia you want to live in, instead of obsessing on the Australia of the past or even today.

Think big.
Think tomorrow.

My name is Majester and I hope to represent you in South Australia.

- I want a strong Australia free of grudges and actively building a new alliance in the Pacific. Its time for this region to organise.
- I believe Australia is mighty and can have full resource bonuses. There is plenty for all if we play our cards right.
- I believe we can have a mutually beneficial region swap with Indonesia and a peace longer than "until the end of the current term". Indonesia needs to embrace change as much as we do to survive the new future.
- I believe in a new Constitution where Senate run domestic affairs and the prime minister leads us internationally in keeping with in-game powers. A new dispensation for a new era free of stereotypes where all elected officials have purpose. A dispensation where all Australians may speak.
- I believe in a better tomorrow for everyone in the Pacific. It is time to stand together or fall apart.

It will not be easy. It is ambitious.
Nothing worth having is easy or small.


Survivor of Australia

TL😉R The future starts today.