The Ebrit University

Day 2,566, 09:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Select28
The Ebrit university

This course of tasks is designed for people who can play the game but may need some encouragement or extra guidance to negotiate this games idiotic twists.

One example of these twists is newspaper editing, there seems to be more editing facilities on the forum for this game than for editing for a paper.

I believe all the people going for NHS help and funding should be directed to
brit uni.

The course is divided up into 20 tasks.

Some tasks are simple e.g. Gain an experience level or be promoted to Major.

Some tasks require external recognition e.g. Register on eUK forum or publish an article.

Starting a newpaper is simple - trying to get some response is difficult; it's easier to write a crap article alienating a party or principle, that draws a vast amount of adverse comment - but it's comment...

The person running the ebrit university is:-

Madelina de Melrose:- Chancellor of university, Minister of education and BIG wheel in NHS.

Rewards are issued for each of the tasks completed, could be weapons or money very usefull to anyone having a tough time climbing up the ladder.

Below is the link to NHS.

Please don't forget to sub & comment.
The purpose is twofold.