The Dog Grill Rip #5: Join A Clique

Day 1,120, 05:55 Published in USA USA by weasel2

with apologies to Benny Andersson, Bjorn Ulvaeus & Stig Andersson A.K.A. ABBA
copy & paste to sing along:


This party used to be the better one in town
Now they’re not anywhere with all their numbers down
They need recruits and to organize
They need to block and parse
They need some real fire
Or they are just a farce

To all the new ones who want to make a difference
Join a clique
A smaller party might be just what you need
Join a clique

Get involved
If you don’t you’ll get bored
So join in
If you try
You just might save us all
So join in

The biggest party can be very safe and warm
But you might not be happy being of the swarm
A hornet to their bumble bee
A newb not safe at all
A place to raise the monster
Make them burn and fall

So take the dare here
Learn to be a force here
Join a clique
Be what you would be
Take a chance at could be
Join a clique

Find your friends
Go with them to the end
So join in
You will see
What a power you will be
So join in