The Criminal

Day 1,780, 07:02 Published in Republic of Moldova Hungary by Bruma Iulik

At the beginning of the I World War, on top of a mountain, there was the most feared prison. No one ever escaped from there. Generally, those sent there were either sentenced to death for crimes or particularly serious robbery or serving a very large penalty. Although it was so well guarded, one night a murderer escaped. All night guards hunted him with dogs, but, when the sun began to emerge they lost him in the forest.

The fugitive, tired after all this rush, stopped in a meadow to rest for a while. Suddenly he saw a light from a little window of a small and old house. Of course there he could find some food and clothing, because he was very hungry and also very tired. Desperately, he rushed into the small room of that little house, where a picture completely unexpected made him stop; a young woman crying next to a little baby, who was also weeping. On the empty table, a remnant of candle left in the little room a dim light, thus the woman's pale and weak face was still visible. As if he was awakened from a nightmare, the criminal urged the young mother not to be afraid. Then they sat together and he asked her what kind of problems made her so unhappy. The woman, with tears in her eyes, told him that her husband had died on the front, that she hadn’t had any money and that the baby had gotten sick because of hunger and cold.

- Stay calm, said the man, I'll help you.
- I do not want to steal for me and also no one to suffer.
- Do not worry, no one will suffer! - answered the man. Then he took the woman with him. When they came together in front of the police, she asked surprise😛
- What are you doing?
- Calm down, I said that nobody would suffer. Come on!

When they entered in the police’s building, the man surrendered, and when the police chief came to see with his eyes, if the dangerous criminal was finally caught, he told him:

- This woman found me in her home when I was trying to steal something for me, and brought me here. Give her the reward placed on my head, she deserves it!

With tears of gratitude in her eyes, she stood silent. It was a great reward, because few believed that someone could catch the criminal. Happy that he had again the prisoner, the police chief immediately paid to woman the enormous amount of money, and after this he sent the man back to the prison, under close guard.

A few days later, the woman, demanded an audience to the director of the prison and told him everything as it really happened. Amazed of the prisoner’s kindness, the director pardoned him, as they used to do this once a year to the prisoner who behaved himself the best. The time has proven that this man truly changed, because he never did something wrong again.

People must help each other. You don’t help yourself than helping others. If such a man - with chains on hands and feet, tired and eager for freedom, was able to help that woman, the more we can help those around us.

Deci sa ne ajutam reciproc in acest joc, iar mai ales, sa-i ajutam pe cei mai mici, caci doar in acest mod vom deveni mai puternici si mai prietenosi🙂
P.S. sper ca va placut povestea....e una de invatatura pentru toti🙂 vor mai aparea istorioare interesante...