The Conservative Party

Day 503, 18:31 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

----The Conservative Party----

Mattoze5—Today, we begin to see a revival of the Conservative Party in real life. After years of pressure under the Labour Party, Conservatives are swinging their way back to Parliament. Now we the eRepublik Conservative Party, although different, contain the same goals and aspirations of the real party. We exist to bring conservative libertarian freedom to the people of eRepublik, the same way the UK Conservative Party wishes to bring non-socialistic freedom to its citizens. We have had our good times and bad times, but we never abandon our beliefs or our members.
To ensure that the members of the Conservative Party remain active in their duty and belief in Freedom within Democracy, the party council has approved a Primary System that will give free choice to the members as to whom they want to nominate for President. To ensure that this process is completed fully, the cooperation of all members is essential to a smooth Primary.
In the month of April, I will be running for CVP President. I think that in order to keep members active, there needs to be more activity shown, not only within the party president, but within the council as well. Together the party can reach new heights. It has been said that the CVP is one of the most active; how can it stay that way if its leaders are not. I cannot stress enough how this is not in anyway aimed at or meant to hurt Desertfalcon. I believe he has done great things for this party, and this nation. I just believe that it is time for new leadership in the CVP. It is time someone take action. I may not be entirely known throughout eRep, or even the CVP, yet, but I can guarantee you that I will not change this party or create a revolution. We’re going to stick with the old ways that worked, but integrate new systems the way Reagan did.

My platform mainly focuses on the Primaries and Congressional elections of this month and the next. The CVP needs to aim for gained seats in congress so we do not lose the ones we already have. As for said primary: I would like to announce that it has commenced here:,2789.0.html . Everyone is expected to participate in at least the voting portion of the Caucus. I would also like to see more use of the resources the CVP owns to recruit new players and keep them active. I have always helped new players when they ask for it, now it is time to show that the CVP too is willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it. Keeping members active and up to date is another goal I have in becoming PP. One of the biggest problems with Desertfalcon is that he is rarely ever on Erepublik, and when he is, it is usually for a special occasion or for a short time. The CVP (RFC) was the first party I ever joined, and I have remained active with the party ever since. If I am ever absent I will keep you informed of my situation.
I have some views of my own for the kind of ideas that should be portrayed by the CVP members, but in the end it is the Manifesto’s ideas that count. My biggest concern is the rampant spending for Infrastructure that is taking place in Congress. This money could be saved and used for alternative purposes but it is not. There is also the retched PANEC bill that has created such a big upset in eAmerica, that even the liberals who passed it are ready to throw it out. Now is our time to propose the 15/33/1 | 15/33/15 Plan. Much of these are not essential to my campaign as I do not have much control over them, but it is important to have an agreeable PP. 😉
I hope, as your party president, to bring the party back to order with aid in a little organization. One might ask “Does the CVP have a hierarchy?” and “Why are old members still considered a part of the remaining hierarchy?” I know I’ve asked them myself, which is a true sign that some confirmation on the CVP Council, VP, and Ad Committee is definitely a must. We should make the proper adjustments to accommodate a party growing past 500 members. As such I am nominating US Attorney General Henry Baldwin as my CVP Vice President running mate. He, too, wishes to change the downward spiral of inactivity in our party:

Party relations are going to be essential as we approach the next group of elections. I am proposing that we, the CVP work closely with other parties, such as the Libertarians, the Federalists, the Nationalist Party, and the American Freedom Party. An agreement between these parties will be essential in defeating the USWP. Even the AAP could begin to cooperate to a greater degree with the CVP. You know what they say “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” Not that the AAP are “enemies” considering we are all eAmericans, but working together can only come out to our advantage. That is why I have always supported bipartisanship in my congressional campaigns. The AAP, considering they are on the other side of the aisle could be a vital turning table against zombies. I extremely urge all AAP reading this to vote for Aren Perry as your PP. He is an extremely active and responsible candidate, and he is the only one with ability to bring bipartisan fairness to all sides of the aisle. I am proud to say that we both support each other for Party Presidents. This kind of positive relationship can exist with even more parties (except the USWP) even given the chance

Personal cooperation is also a major part of being a PP. I have tried my best to get along with and help everyone I have met and take every person for their character rather than their online predeterminations. I know I often refer this game to RL, but truthfully it is the person behind the keyboard who counts.

God Bless the Conservative Party
God Bless the eUSA, and
God Bless RL America,