The congress: Store skuffelse - big disappointment

Day 3,117, 17:29 Published in Norway Finland by Elquee

Dear diary,

first I have to apologize for not writing new articles for a while. I couldn´t. I was busy crying.

I had very big hopes, when I was elected to the norwegian congress. Imagine all the possibilities, proposing wonderful new laws that would help the eMankind.

But no.
No "Give me your tired mooses, your poor mooses, your huddled mooses yearning to breathe free" aka "Norway, the safe space for all mooses of the world"-Law.
No "Our beloved president has to entertain us three hours a week with funny jokes, heartwarming videos and cute tricks"-law.
And, of cause, no "eNorway has to buy every norwegian citizen a tank (in the colour of his or her choice)"-law.

It is very, very, veryvery sad, that there are only options to propose boring laws. Taxes, citizenship, war - that´s all, in general. No nice treats for the citizens, no possibilities to make the eWorld a better place (at least for the mooses).

I cried a few days and then I went on a shopping spee for wonderful new weapons. And then I wrote this article, to tell the world about this disgrace.
Now I will go and fight some evil countries.
Hilsen & Shalom,