The Belgium Unity Government

Day 1,137, 11:13 Published in Belgium Egypt by A Vegan
The Belgium Unity Government
A Government of National Unity!

We are in need of a government of national unity! All parties should be represented and maybe even more importantly all strong eBelgiums should make a stance! eBelgium needs all his strong players fighting for the same eBelgium whatever our difference were in the past.
For that I would like to offer our old presidents like Thore, Theneka, MaryamQ and ThomasRed an active part in this government of national unity.
Also regulars like Sammy, Critically, Glenn, NLSP, Xgentis, Vulcain, LvL and Thomas should be part of it and if possible giants like Aldous and touchdown_thomas.
Even a forum admin like Meldroke could help us become a true unified nation!
That however doesn't mean that young blood is forbidden, just as I want also the young players to be active in the community, they are welcome in this government.
And shame on me for not mentioning all candidates...

I am proposing 15 Ministers (with 3 or more vice-presidents) and some deputy ministers. To bring unity in eBelgium and fight off the foreign threat!
Together we will stand!

Unity Committee

* Unity - Ministry of Unity (Minister + 4 Deputy Ministers)
He has to keep us all together!
Chairmen of the Unity Committee; Duty to make all voice heart; Duty to keep unity in our nation; Regularly make news articles that improve our nations unity; Middle man; etc.
Each party is represented in this Unity Committee and have the same voice in it. While this is import to unify the country, we also want to use it to unify the parties.

** BfB Representative
** BCP Representative
** Res Belgica Representative
** Free Belgium Representative

Communication organ between the gov and the political parties; Organizing food and gun donations during war; etc.


* Economics - Ministry of Finances

In the past the value of our BEF has been shown to be very unstable. New problems are on the way. Closely monitoring and foreseeing possible problems is the message!
Taking care of the NBB-BNB; Publishing regular news articles on progress and current state; Making sure the PEG stays stable; Taking care of any transfers; etc.

* Work - Ministry of State Companies

Every eBelgium should have a job!
Maintaining all state owned companies (excluding eBe Raw); Publishing regular news articles on progress; Helping eBe citizens to get a job; Controlling the job market; Creating jobs where needed; etc. It is not responsible for any raw producing.

* Raws - Ministry of Raw Industry & Raw State Companies

An active foreign and domestic raw policy can only be beneficial to the country. Get the existing once active again and go on with the original plan. Start up other foreign raw companies!
Maintain and make current eBe Raw companies operational; Create other raw companies as intended; Keep us informed by regularly publishing your progress in a newspaper article; etc.

* Food - Ministry of Welfare

Lets keep our citizens welfare in mind. A nice supply of food should be a priority!
Publishing regular news articles on progress; work together with minister of work to motivate citizens to temp work in food and gun companies during war; Keep an eye on the market and regulate (read sell gov stocks) where needed; etc.

Domestic and Foreign Affairs

* War - Ministry of Defense (1 Minister + 3 Deputy Ministers)

Defending eBelgium is our task!
Planning and organizing country defense and war plans; Keeping the public informed; Mobilizing troops where needed; Supplying guns/food where possible; etc.

* Allies & Enemies - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Who is who. What is happening in the other eCountries?
Keeping us informed about international affairs; Appointing ambassadors; Create communication with ambassadors arriving in eBe; Establishing and maintaining friendly contacts with other nations; etc.

* Immigration - Ministry of Immigration

Stopping PTO's at the root!
Investigate new citizen applications; Keeping the public informed; Contact congress with the advice to accept/deny a citizen; etc.

* Multis - Ministry of Multi Control

Keeping eBelgium clean!
Investigate suspicious accounts; Inform the public; Stopping multis; etc.

* Secrete Services - Ministry of Intelligence and National Security

Intelligence agency.
Reports directly to the president.

* Justice - Ministry of Justice

Takes care of the Supreme Court; Appoints judges in the name of the CP; Informs the public; liaison between Congress and Government; formulating in name of the government and CP law proposals

Community Building

* Education - Ministry of Education

Lets get eBelgium in the top most educated countries!
Create contests; Stimulate press and activity in the national forum; Improve the information flow; Teach new players about eRepublik basics; Collect and publish tutorials; etc.

* Growth - Ministry of Growth

Getting new eBe Babies; Advertise eBelgium on other sites; Inform the public; etc.

* Culture - Ministry of Culture

Add an artistic side to eRepublik!
Organize contests; Stimulate press and activity in the national forum; Collect and publish eRepublik art and sub culture articles; Write spectaculary illustrated articles; Stimulate the use of personalized avatars and forum banners; Help in gov. lay-out; etc.

* Fun - Supreme Ministry

The most important part of the whole experience. To have fun! Our Supreme Minister will see to it that our citizens are never bored. Contest will be created. Games started. Strange plots written...

Please let me know if you are interested in any of these functions and wish to help create a better and more democratic eBelgium. This is a first draft so any suggestions/comments/corrections/changes/... are welcome.

To end I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year. May 2011 be the best year ever!
Happy New Year! Bonne Année! Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Feliz Navidad!!!

Alejandro Vegan (CP candidate for eBelgium in Jan 2011)