The American Unity

Day 1,316, 17:38 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

In the times of crisis we face as a nation on this game, we tend to forget what got us through them the best. It wasn't the great economy, or the number of people or regions we had. In my opinion, what gets the eUS through tough times are the people who get on and fight for this nation every day. They spend countless dollars to pay for their resources to fight. I commend them for their efforts. I believe the military and its members are the backbone of this nation, the greatest on the planet in-game. The unity we share as a nation is overwhelmingly one of the greatest things we have going for us. It allows us to come together, like we have now, and like we have done in the past, to fight for something more than the individual themselves, but for a nation, OUR nation. We are working harder than ever to take back what is rightfully ours, the United States of America. We will need the help and support of all Americans, regardless of political parties or wealth.

It's a system that is as old as the nation in-game. We have always been able to pick ourselves up by the straps of our boots and carry on, into an unknown battle. It's the will, the never give up mentality of Americans that allow us to continue. In 2009, when we were at a point similar to where we are today, we rallied the forces, and over the course of many battles, with many a foe, we took back America. I believe in this nation, like I believe in the American people who continuously fight for us, and who fight today to help give us the regions we so desperately need. As I write this piece, the region I live in, the great state of Ohio, is occupied by Poland. I mention this because I want to remind everyone that I am in the struggle with you all. I will not give up on America, and neither should you. We can defeat Poland, and I vow to assist in any way possible

It is in times like these that history is most remembered, that the greatest of men and women are seen for the main times of their reigns. Months from now, we will write about these great wars and understand what we did wrong, what we did right, and how we can prevent a situation like this in the future. The people of these grand old United States must hang on. These battles with Poland, and other nations will last a time longer than many of us want to see. They could last well into next month. It is direly critical that we not give up, when the service we give to our nation is needed most. You can call me crazy for writing this article, you may think that I am speaking things already said, but I believe they should be said again and again. I like to motivate people, and as I write, I motivate myself to care even more about this nation, all of the people in it, and what we stand for as Americans. This great nation will endure, as we have endured, and we will reach the point of prosperity, the golden horse named "Opportunity" at the end of the tunnel. We'll ride that horse into the sunset, and I plan to be right there to greet you all.

As I said before, in my last article, I have a plan regarding my self provided food production at my factory. I am able to produce 120 units of Q3 food. I plan to sell 60 of them at market rate, and store 60 others to give to fighters that may need them. I know it's not much, but it's what I feel may help in the effort. Fighters that need a food drop can mail me in game, and I will send them between 3-10 units of the Q3 food. It depends on demand, and how many people I can get. I'll try and get 5 units to each fighter, which means a decent boost to how long you can fight without spending money. I hope this will help as many people as it can. The program will start on June 30, so I can stockpile a decent donation for the first day. Please tell friends that a small help is coming if they need it. Also, if you are a member of the United States Workers Party, their forums can be reached now, at the same address. They might need members to help make this party great again. I don't like where it went, but together, as members, we can change where it is going. Please subscribe to the paper, and feel free to mail me with suggestions. God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America (eRepublik and RL).