Thank You, Friends. (Nice Entry)

Day 765, 07:46 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

Before I begin,
I am now 1/4 way through my journey of reaching Media Mogul without the paper leaving eIreland or joining an MM Project. Without exception, every single article I have put out has reached at least the number 5 spot in eIreland's top 5 at some point (some drop out quickly, but many reached the top). My newspaper is 3rd in eIreland and the 2 above me are former presidents! So, first and foremost, I would like to give thanks and praise to my readers. Thank you for supporting a nobody newbie like myself. Thanks to every last one of you. Regardless of where you are from IRL or in eRepublik, thank you for your support, it is very much appreciated and I hope to continue entertaining you.

The Irish Community Newspaper recently had the brilliant idea to have a contest to say something nice. They will pull a name from a hat with all the entries, which is fair, because you can't really say one nice thing is better than another (if the person means it, a three word article is just as valid as a 1000 word article). It is always good to see people saying nice things and it is always worth a shot to enter these things, so this is my entry.

John Gormley is a nice guy.
Not only did he allow me to interview him, but he also unknowingly encouraged me to take charge of the eIrish eCricket team. While our interactions have been short, they have been worthwhile and memorable. He is also positively present in the comments of many other eIrish publishers' articles. In a game filled with trolls, his comments, his enthusiasm and his positivity are very much welcome. So thank you, John Gormley. eIreland is better for having you.

I would also like to take this time to be nice to the villain (even if his main account has been banned). In every game, there has to be a villain. Whether it is the clock, a big bad NPC or another player, bad guys make games fun. From scamming newbies to stealing treasuries to simple trolling, Padraig_Pearse is most definitely a villain. Let's face it, due to our stellar MoFA teams (past and present), eIreland has no real external enemies. We need someone to stir up trouble to give the game a little spice. For some, this is a more than just a game, and any/all negativity is frowned on... For me, it is JUST a game. So, despite the tongue lashing I may get from fellow eRepublikans (world-wide, you bastard), I say thank you Padraig_Pearse.

There are many others who deserve to have people be nice to them, by the way. I've not had a single bad experience personally with -anyone- in eIreland. Not from Manni, not from PP, not from anyone at all. Which only cements my belief that eIreland is one of the nicest places in eRepublik. Even people who have left the country still come back to read the articles and comment (which is much appreciated, IMO). Much love to you all. I don't know what else to say, really.
So, I'll just close with Happy Holidays Everyone!

This is the last Ask Harrilal! until after Boxing Day! Savour the flavour!
Here.... we.... GO!

John Gormley asks, &quot😉o you think we can win the competition?"
I do indeed. Our lineup is good and we're eIrish. I mean, there's no skill involved. It's just a simulator. It's pretty much a fancy coin toss. If I were to answer as my Midnight Robber persona, I'd likely have you kicked off the team for doubting us. Hehe.

Teutorix Aleria asks, "aspanation?"
That is how my baby cousin (she's 4) says explanation. I don't know what you want explained though. Whatever it is, you will have to unlisp yourself and then ask later.

buddysilver asks, &quot😉o you prefer boxers or briefs?" (not counted)
buddysilver, this has already been asked! So I will not count it towards the five. To quote myself five articles ago: Commando is never an option in these questions and it makes me sad because that is my answer. However, if made to choose at gunpoint, I prefer the freedom of boxers.

Niall H asks, "Can we ever have a black christmas?"
Well, we eat black pudding and black cake at Christmas. I suppose with enough foods like that, you could. Blackberries, black currents, Black Label Rum, baby black ribs (yes, I cheated, sue me!). Alternatively, you could shut off all the lights and make everyone eat in the dark. Sure, we can have a black Christmas.

Pip Kelly asks, "Who has the most sex appeal in the Shamrocks to turn the lady crowds to eCricket?"
If I had to judge by avatar... Gabriel Peddie, without a doubt. Not only is he a chair wielding maniac, which is that wild side that the ladies love, but he's also a Shamrock dammit! That combination is deadly sexy. You're a close second Pip. Kaufman was reportedly quite the charmer when he was ready.

Ace of Spades asks, "Harrilal, you're a lefty?"
Ambidextrous, actually. I bat lefty, write righty, kick lefty and so forth. I think, with more physical things I am lefty and with more minute, delicate things, I am righty.

And that’s five!
Remember folks! The first five (5) questions asked in the comments of this article, will be answered in my next article!
Thanks for reading!

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Happy Holidays Everyone!
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