TGN - Truly a Crazy Day

Day 2,422, 07:59 Published in Japan Japan by Sinon

Hi everyone!

Are you having fun with the final event? Maybe you too went crazy?
Because if one thing's for certain, it is the fact that I did!

Battle 1
I began the day by fighting for my eCountry in Hokkaido in the first battle, quickly taking the lead and ended up winning against eUSA.

Battle 2
Then when the second battle had been going on for awhile, I decided to be a real bitch and steal the BH in a battle we had lost already xD

Battle 3
However when the third battle was closing to an end and I could see we would lose that one as well, I figured that since I had like 20 mill dmg dealt already I could just as well attemt to pass my old damage-record, which was on 35,75 mill. Unfortunately I was missing just 600K damage when the battle ended.

Battle 4
Furious because I didn't make because I didn't have enough time, I entered the fourth battle. After half an hour of constantly raping my computer mouse I finally passed the old score, leaving my own comrades far behind me xD

Incredibly this day resulted in me being among the top players on the overall score list, which is a first time for me, even though I know it's only temporary (at least I've got it documented).

The result of this however, is that I now have the first place in the top citizens, which I had never thought would happen (I only aimed for 3rd place lol) and my prestige bar has gone skyhigh xD

I've also contributed a lot to my MU today, which I really feel proud about 😁

Now that's all from me this time! If you've had just as much a fun and crazy day at eRep, feel free to share it with the rest of us!

Best regards,