Swiss People Award (July 2016)

Day 3,164, 14:51 Published in Switzerland Venezuela by Alexander Foxx

San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Day 1164 of the New World

Narrator: ¡Buenas Noches Puerto Rico!, Welcome to the SWISS PEOPLE AWARD JULY 2016!

Narrator: Please receive with cheers... ¡RICK ASTLEY!

Hello Puerto Rico!

Narrator: Please Welcome to Alexander Jr Allup!

Buenas Noches Puerto Rico, es un placer para mi presentar estos premios ¡en tierra latinoamericana 😃!.

Before to know the winner of the award, let´s present some people that are here in this night.

Please give him a lot of applausses to the best boyfriends of Switzerland! Blackbeard00, Frida K and their monkey! (when is the marriage dude?)

a real swiss spanish love

Now, please welcome to the presenter of the Award (we fired Steve Harvey 😃), FRANK UNDERWOOD!!

Frank: Thank you Mr. Allup to invite me to this award, let´s see the new winner of the SPA *open the envelope*

Frank: Drummers pls... the Swiss People Award goes to the one and only, the legend... RICAN!!!!!!!

Our new legend :'), Top 1 of eSwitzerland, Prime Minister of eSwitzerland, God Save The King!

Thank you Puerto Rico for this amazing night, see you next month!!!