Surprise! You're Vice President!

Day 747, 18:08 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

Yesterday had to be one of the strangest days in eRepublik for me. I jumped online early in the morning before leaving for my son's basketball game but didn't bother with eRepublik; I only was interested in seeing if there were orders for the Army. After quickly checking the military forums I closed my laptop and headed out with one of my sons to go to his game. I didn't get back online until after 5 PM after a busy weekend day running around town doing holiday errands. Imagine my shock.

Here's the irony: for the November presidential election Jewitt and I did tons of campaigning - we sent many PMs, advertised, did interviews, published articles, etc. This time around, pretty much nothing.

PigInZen doing vital campaign duties this election

You see, Jewitt and I (and pretty much everyone else with whom we talked) both were convinced that Josh Frost and Woxan would win re-election without much difficulty. In eRepublik the runner up in the presidential election assumes the presidency in the event of the president being impeached (by either resignation or outright removal). We assumed that Jewitt would be a good insurance in the event something happened to Josh Frost.

Something happened all right.

LOL. You did WHAT to my car?

So wtf just happened? Some are saying that it was Jewitt's "promise" to invade the UK if election. Others are pinning it on the lack of national goals by Josh Frost. Still others claim that the AAP having a "placeholder" candidate end up as their permanent candidate come election day as being a deciding factor. To be honest, I'll never know why Josh Frost wasn't elected. But I suspect that the shock won't wear off anytime soon for anyone involved.

So. What would YOU do if you woke up and were elected Vice President?