Spooky Film Party: SFP is Going to the Movies & You're Invited

Day 2,891, 22:24 Published in USA USA by Caute

Salutations comrades, allies, friends, and frenemies,

As we draw closer to Samhain/Halloween the barrier between our world and the spirit world is believed to grow thinner and the stars are almost right for the souls of the dead to walk the earth once more, or maybe that just means it's time for Cthulhu to rise from those murky depths (Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!), I'm not 100% sure either way.

Regardless of whether or not you buy into that sort of thing, it's still about that time of year where candy sales skyrocket... and people throw Halloween parties.

Unfortunately, we can't have a party on the 31st due to some of our member's prior engagements, presumably having something or other to do with sacrificial ceremonies to the old gods, [REDACTED], or parties IRL.

That's no reason that we can't come together and celebrate the holiday on All Hallows' Eve... Eve, with our own:

Spooky Film Party: SFP Goes to the Movies - I

When: Oct. 30th from 1700 – 0000 game time.

Where: https://instasync.com/r/SFP (There's only a teaser playlist available for now as the final playlist is being worked on in another unlisted room, the final playlist will be uploaded the night before the event)

It's an opportunity to chat with the same people you fight and work alongside every day, have a good time, kill some time, discuss the finer points and philosophies behind splatter films, all while enjoying a film or two... or all of them. Go crazy, it's All Hallows' Eve Eve ffs.

So come for some excellent horror flicks (or terrible horror flicks, it's subjective, okay!), with intermissions featuring award winning short horror films or creepy pasta, and help develop a sense of camaraderie with your comrades.

There won't be any candy at this party, mostly because we at SFP take dental health very seriously. However, there will be some trivia questions asked in the chat randomly that'll offer a 1g prize each for the first correct answer.

Although this is an SFP event, all players are welcome to attend regardless of political affiliation or citizenship.

General Disclaimer: Some of the material featured may not be suitable for all ages or any ages. Neither SFP or myself are responsible for any sort of mental or emotional distress caused by 'Spooky Film Night' or it's chat room. However, I'm happy to refer you to a good psychologist if necessary.

Call for Volunteers:
If you'd like to volunteer to help with the event, PM me.

Film/CreepyPasta Contributions:
The Playlist is still a work in progress. Links to your favorite horror films, short films, or spooky spaghetti from the following sites are welcomed and encourage😛 Youtube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.