SOme Things Never Change!

Day 1,988, 13:15 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

lol, why did i login? bloody hell .. im extremely frustrated with work today and need a place to "blow off some steam, Bennet!" 😃 (non Arnold/Commando fans, go commit suicide) where else but this ... ahem.... game? website? blog? facebook wannabe? I dunno .. you take your pick!

maybe erepublik sounds better? 😃

Right, so what do i see? gay boys from across the border camping in India... good luck bros, and congrats you did it before anyone else! 😃 lets have some sexy shaggy PSY to the victory!

Some lovely Balkan dudes enjoying their sunshine here in India (and of course picking up the cattle crap that no Indian can do anymore... why? cos there aint any Indians left?!!!! lolz someones gotta clean that mulch!) Who better qualified than Croatian-Bosnian-Asian (convert) farmers)

SHlivovitza would be cool but you guys are too tied up with hate to offer it around to us poor farmers 😃

right so what else do i write? f *** K knows... f*** cares.. lets do global warming (notice I dont care 2 hoots that USA is CoT... or romania is having dual personality issues - two three whatever... really?? wow...

hell im not even surprised eIndia is screwed 😃 I mean, you cant expect to fight amongst yourselves and then hope other BIG nations come to save your a$$$?

(i wonder where the $$ went but then... would it matter?) PS : Octavius... u came to life just at the right time to take a few moe $$$$zzzz 😃 go for it babieee

TLDR : Im STILL a mentor for india!! suck on that 😃

PPS : The erep admin boys are cool...they did not misuse my acc... so credit where its due.

PPPS : the erep admin boys arent that cool. They did not delete my account even when i virtually begged them 😃

PPP..PS : U guys really believe erep is the end all be all eh? anytime u wanna contact me, I live... i truly do 😃 outside erep tho - so email me, skype me 😃 .. of course only if u need me NOT for erep