Soldiers of Fortune, is it worth the candle?

Day 2,782, 06:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by SubtleBlade

[My first article, please comment, got a mission to complete 🙂]

Had a busy day today,

Congratulations! Based on Kills, you were ranked 3 in a Battle! You have received 6 tokens for your effort!

Congratulations! Based on Kills, you were ranked 2 in a Battle! You have received 8 tokens for your effort!

with two tokens more for daily routine stuff that's 16 tokens today.

I spent two gold on bazooka parts (which I was going to buy anyway sometime this week to even out the imbalance in parts in storage.)
Other than that I've done nothing I wouldn't do without the SoF 'event'.

I've previously collected, and spent, 24 tokens, again by doing nothing I wouldn't normally have done, bar changing the criteria I use for deciding which battles to fight in and when.

What have 24 tokens bought me? 7 days of +150 max energy and +200 (permanent I presume) strength.

So far a decent return for doing nothing extra and a small change in behaviour.

But is what I can get from now on worth even that?

I'm planning on spending tokens only at the 20 token level, until I can't collect any more, then @I will spend any remainder at the 4 token level.

I can't see any use for or benefit from the medal so am avoiding the middle level altogether.

At the 20 token spend level there's an unknown chance (but I'm betting