Sir Valaro Volcrum Interview,

Day 513, 19:05 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

Today we have a interview with Sir Valaro Volcrum of the CVP who is running for Congress in Arizona.

Rick: We should clear some things up with our readers.
You were once a senator, but you lost your re-election during the last elections cycle to istarlan. During the campaign she said you were inactive and did not participate in the congressional process.
Is this true?

Valaro Volcrum: No. It is not true. I voted on almost everything. It is true that I missed some proposals, but that was because I was in Ghana, West Africa on a missions trip with my church (between March 6 and March 19). While I was there, I thought that I would have internet, but that was not the case.

Rick: Were her tactics dirty?

Valaro Volcrum: No. She simply had inaccurate information to build her campaign platform and didn't discuss the issue with me or investigate it in depth to the point of any kind of contact with me.

Rick: If elected what would you do different/ or the same from your last term as senator.

Valaro Volcrum: I would be at the very least more active. I intend to take a more active leadership role and take action to lead on proposals and to ensure that the opinion of Arizona is strongly represented.

Rick: During the last presidential election DesertFalcon decided it would be his last bid for presidency. He lost by the same margin as the election before that. During the Conservative Party President Elections DesertFalcon won narrowly by 54% while previous elections before he had won by wide margins
In fact it appears his approval ratings have plummeted in just a month

November 90%
December 80%
January 92%
February 76%
March 81%
April 54%

Why are DF's approval ratings dropping?

Valaro Volcrum: I think his approval ratings are dropping for three reasons. New members are joining all the time and the CVP is growing constantly. It's possible that the newer people are voting for whoever they like more without knowing how there policies will work in eRepublik as opposed to RL. Two, the fact is that there are other people, trying to take a lead in the party who offer different ideas and solutions and therefore, a new perspective for the minority party. Three. The third reason is debatable. It comes down to DF's policies and ideas in regards to foreign policy. His ideas in regards to ATLANTIS can be polarizing and could be driving some party members from this specific policy of his that he holds so strong.

Rick: Do you think DF should step down from the CVP leadership?

Valaro Volcrum: I think that if there is enough division in the party, then yes. He should. But, he just won the election and it appears that most people in the party still support him. I think he should instead look to find where the Party stands in general and work from there.

Rick: How will you strengthen the CVP?

Valaro Volcrum: I'm here to provide the Party with a voice for the people of Arizona and to speak for the people of Arizona and for the CVP to ensure that our ideas are heard, known and represented.

Rick: As you may know the CEO of the Arizona Republic went over to Germany to fight for the Austrian German Union when foreign fighters from PEACE had hijacked the Austrian government. The war resulted in PEACE victory, and the union between Germany and Austria shattered.
What is your view on Atlantis & PEACE?

Valaro Volcrum: My view on Atlantis and PEACE is simple. We are part of Atlantis and PEACE is the enemy of our allies. We stand opposing each other and we [Atlantis] need's to reorganize and restructure to better protect its members. Atlantis needs to be fixed, not left. If it can be reorganized and restructured to be more effective, it will be able to counter the expansionist oriented PEACE and we can ensure the strength and survival or us and our allies.

Rick: How will your views affect our current global position?

Valaro Volcrum: My view's include the eUS building stronger relations with other nations, diplomatically, militarily and most importantly, economically. In my efforts, I'm aiming for eAmerica to increase foreign trade with friendly nations and to expand our economy so we can gain economic strength which will increase our diplomatic power and enable the eUS military to grow in strength due to a more powerful economy to support it.

Rick: What is your opinion of president scrabman?

Valaro Volcrum: He's doing alright. Although, I would like for him to become more active in the Atlantis Issue's.

Thank You. My name is Sir Valaro Volcrum and I support this statement. Vote Sir Valaro Volcrum in Arizona!