Russia's 3 contributions to the world

Day 670, 14:52 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

Alright so I was thinking, there has to be something decent to come out of Russia. All we hear about is them being imperialists, and their emperor selling his parents' house to finance this war, and all that. But I figured there has to be something good from the roof of Eurasia. So I did my research, and settled upon these 3, as evidence that Russia doesn't suck outright:

1. Hot tennis chicks
Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova
One is a better player, one is arguably hotter. I'd happily take either.

2. Epic doom metal
Scald - Will of the Gods is Great Power
Only album this band ever put out, and it's the only band in the genre out of Russia that I'm aware of (Swedes do it better), but it's an amazing album.

3. Soviet Russia jokes
Yeah, so what if they're kind of lame. I find them unnecessarily amusing.

So those are the 3 I've got, in literally minutes of research. Have any others in mind? Post in comments!