Revolution: Our Goals

Day 1,187, 08:42 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Greetings Singapore. I am still in hiding but feel safe enough to release this message about what the revolution wishes to achieve.

Our Main Goals:

The revolution has a few specific goals that, if met, will help bring about a better and stronger eSingapore.

Goal one:
Military reform! As of now eSingapore has no military, we haven't for some time. Administration after administration has promised a military of some sort yet all have failed to deliver, this is something that we as a nation with security needs and a small population need. That's correct, we need a military, not only for defense but to build future leaders and keep people interested in staying here and not leaving or quitting eRepublik. I have made the call for a military in the past, but now I am demanding as a citizen and member of the Congress of this Republic that our elected government take action on behalf of the people and enact military reform.

I am willing as a member of government to do what ever it takes to help rebuild this great nation's military to the greatness that it once enjoyed.

Goal Two:
Government reform! For far too long the governments of eSingapore have been prolific and boastful on the campaign trail about how they will change this country, yet far too many times once elected they seem to do nothing. I ask you Singapore, will you accept governments that don't act and Congresses that don't meet and debate. I can understand time zone differences for government members and real life issues but it is time that an effort on behalf of this nation is taken to make our government active! Our government needs to communicate with the people, establish functioning ministries and bring in new blood to the offices and oust old, inactive and inefficient members.

We, in order to achieve these goals must from together as a nation and begin a great debate and national discourse to collectively see how these goals can be met. That is the true goal of the revolution, unity. Because once we unite as e people Singapore we can work together and achieve these goals. Once and only once that is done can we see greatness again.

This has been a message from logan Dunleavy, high chancellor of the Norsfire Party and voice of the revolution.

- Laboremus pro patria