Results of the congress elections - Kadima

Day 584, 10:55 Published in Israel Romania by eliberator

All the Kadima proposed congresmen have had their place in the congress. This means that we all are winners in this party!
I know that we are a small party, but next month you also could join the party and you can be one of the congressmen and get 5GOLD 🙂. With 5GOLD you could buy a lot of gifts for your friends, and for those who are in need (less than 40 wellness).

This month was a race which was not so competitive, but, this was also the chance. Invite 3-5 firends to the game and on the day of elections talk to them to vote for you! You also could become Kadima party president if you want to have such a 'brand', but you will need friends. New citizens are the best players, because they are the future of Israel. They should be trained and supported in the beginning of the game, such as they will have a successful game experience.

I know a friend who invited a lot of people in the game, and with all his recruits became the party president, and after that also the country president 😉. It was not a easy job for him, but it was great that time.
I have a tutorial such as in only 7 days your friends could become ready for voting, and also to get 5GOLD 🙂 (if you will invite them, you will get 5GOLD too).
So, people of Israel lets think what will be our gold in the country if 1000 people will join 😉 (at least 5000 gold (so we could have in each region Q5 hospital and Q5 defense system), but also more companies here! More companies, means much more competition on the job market, and also on the market place. Higher wages, lower prices 😉. This is what all want!

Link to my tutorial: