Recollection of memories

Day 2,609, 04:01 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

English/spanish version

This article is about the game itself, and the community, no longer politics or
any other special thing.
As many predicted, and it was clear, the game continues to be dying. Well, who cares? At the end of this long journey, I am grateful. I am not a training/working/politics player any more. Perhaps, it never had any sense to be.
Anyway, I am convinced that my english improved, specially when I was a more active player. Secondly, I have learnt a couple of social lessons, even If I am old enough to have learnt then BEFORE ELSEWHERE. Perhaps, I am still a child at heart.
Thank for you all for the 'experience', I am wiser now than before playing the game, even if that took a lot of valuable time.
For a change, I am not giving advice to anyone about anything. I will keep around here in lurking mode, learning or analyzing what I haven't learnt yet.

Spanish version

Este articulo va sobre el juego en si, y la comunidad, no sobre politica u otra cosa en especial.
Como muchos predijeron, y era obvio, el juego sigue muriendo. ¿A quien le importa? Al final de este largo camino, estoy agradecido. No soy ya un jugador que entrene, trabaje o me meta en politica. Quiza, nunca tuvo sentido haberlo sido .
En cualquier caso, estoy convencido de que mejore mi ingles, especialmente cuando fui un jugador mas activo. Ademas, aprendi un par de lecciones sociales, incluso si ya deberia haberlas aprendido ANTES EN OTRO SITIO. Quiza, aun sea un niño en el fondo.
Gracias a todos por la experiencia, soy mas sabio ahora que antes de jugar, incluso si eso significo emplear un monton de tiempo valioso.
Por una vez, no dare consejos a nadie sobre nada. Me mantendre aqui callado y viendo, aprendiendo o analizando lo que no haya aprendido aun.