Realpolitik and eRepublik

Day 564, 18:31 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

The Irregular Repetoire, vol 1.
Day 564

As a student of real-life History, one of my favorite time periods and locations is pre-World War I Europe and in particular the rise of the German national state. The complete and total Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 brought about the unification of the German states as a new nation in the heart of Europe. This dramatic event brought about significant changes to the geopolitical landscape, in no large part to German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's use of Realpolitik to guide his foreign policy. Realpolitik - the "politics of reality" is a foreign policy based on based on practical rather than ethical or ideological considerations.

Let's take a step back here and explore the historical foundations of Realpolitik, the real-world applications of it and why the foreign policy "philosophy" should be put to use here in eRepublik.

Those of you familiar with Machiavelli will in no doubt also be familiar with the "might makes right" attitude. Often Machiavellian tactics and strategies are described in a negative fashion as being coercive or exploitative. In RL such criticism is probably considered valid as the altruistic tendencies of the human species looks with disdain upon such structures, especially when Americans are judging the situation. But the historical roots of Realpolitik are found only partially in Machiavelli. The term itself was created with regards to Metternich's formation of the Concert of Europe (consisting of Britain, Prussia, Russia and Austria-Hungary, later including France) following the Napoleonic Wars. The chief concern of Metternich and his international diplomatic colleagues was maintaining the balance of power in Europe and containing France. This structure developed over much of the nineteenth century and kept the relative peace on the continent until the advent of WWI.

Alright, you're probably thanking me for the History lesson right about now but are still wondering just WTF I'm getting at. Hang on, I'm coming to the good stuff. But we need another round of background first... get a cup of coffee and try to stay awake.

Bismarck's use of Realpolitik as an internal policy as well as a foreign policy was his masterstroke. It was Bismarck that pushed for liberalization of employment law in Germany, leading to disability and retirement benefits that were unheard of at the time. These policies helped to reduce the old internal historical divisions in the new German nation while the foreign policy served to unite the country under a nationalistic banner.

We need this policy in eRepublic in the eUSA. Recent global events underscore the fact that there currently exists little to no balance of power - a dangerous situation indeed. We have many regional rivalries that have blossomed into worldwide rivalries with the advent of PTO. The eRepublic world is a dangerous one, as evidenced by actions by eBrazil, eIndonesia. This is not to say that those countries are acting in an evil or malign fashion as I have often read in opinions by others. Rather their foreign policies are driven by their own set of Realpolitik - something that some eAmericans have yet to fully understand. Realpolitik is not an interventionist policy per se, but rather one that gauges the needs surrounding decisions for intervention versus nonintervention, aggression versus defense carefully and on a case-by-case basis, always with the national aims, and international power structure in mind.

No longer can we allow our foreign policy to be driven by sentiment or altruism. It is time for a national endorsement of Realpolitik.

Future topics in the Irregular Repetoire:

Frameworks for international relations
Mulitpolar power structures
Economic & military power blocs