Reality Check and Proclamation

Day 1,044, 01:23 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
[This article is written as myself as a Citizen, not as a Congressman, TD, Co-Mod or any other]

Reality Check

Earlier today I published an article by Blank Keating talking about the nuts and bolts of the V2.5 war mod. It's good stuff. You should read it.

This morning I will get to the nitty gritty of what V2.5 really means to eIreland and make a wee announcement.

Ass Whoopin' Insurance... we got none.

I love you eIreland. Anyone who doubts that should troll, unsub and go about their business now. So I am gonna' shoot your straight. We are back at V1. For the younger and older players alike that might elicit a "Yay Us!". It should not. We spent V1 fantasizing about NI and not much else. Why? Because we had not the backing nor the muscle to take anything ourselves. We lived in a world of hyper legislation because we sat here amongst the clover and dreamed of the day we might matter.

That day came a couple of times. Shannon was the cataclysm that birthed me. The first time we finagled Northern Ireland was my baptism. Since then we have held our own quite well. We took Northern eIreland of our own volition, on our time table and of our OWN FREE WILL!!!

This shall not be forgotten. Ever.

But the days our our dedicated and crack military (50 strong it may be when coordination counts, somewhat larger when résumés are written) are over. The day of the two clicker reigns again. A country like eUK who has a sad, sad, woefully inefficient homeland defence (not to mention non-existent expeditionary force) now lives again under the umbrella of the two clicking MPP nobody.

It is time to retreat again amongst our garden of infighting, or expand into the world stage with allies that we shall defend as much as they defend us. What will you choose?

We fight the WALL.

Today I spent around 250 gold (personal funds) over various battles in the war for Northern Ireland. This MEANT NOTHING. In the end, it moved me up about ten notches on the who's who list in eIreland, but it DID NOTHING for eIreland. Many others spent, fought and lost. Some with BH medals to show for it, some with none. My One Man 250g machine means nothing against the 700 man no gold machine. Unless a miracle of BROmance occurs, I shall be without a congressional seat and we shall all be without the North come the morn eRep time. This is NOT a call to lay down your arms...

Fight eIreland!!! Fight as you have never fought before!!!

You see the mug up there. What it says? We must shift the paradigm, change the thought. It takes all of us. Regardless of communist leaning, Far Right, Left, Independent, free thinker or unaffiliated and aloof, we MUST do this together...

Things... Are... Different Now....

This is the spot where many readers will say, "Oh... this was politically motivated..."

That, in it's essence, may be true. But in the end it is motivated by my love and dedication not to a game, but to the eCountry of eIreland. I have been honored to have served under Nogin the Nog. I have sought her council before making this declaration and have her blessing.

Statement of Intent

I am announcing My Candidacy under the banner of the Economic Free Thinkers Society for Country President of eIreland. After consideration by my peers, our current CP, VP, Co-MoD and those others who have access to the EFTS forum (which is all who desire it) I make this proclamation.

In the days to come I shall publish a more in depth analysis of my stance and beliefs. I request your support as well as your criticism and ask that you hold me to the same standard that I have held past candidates be they friend or foe. No question, if serious, is too controversial. No want or need of an eIrish citizen regardless of XP too small.

I wish to serve you eIreland. I ask you to put me to the test.


-Donovan Thomas