Ready or not, here I come.

Day 1,144, 15:21 Published in USA USA by Pheno Sony

This month will be groundbreaking. How many people can say that there are 3 extremely dedicated and amazing runners for Party President for their party? Well, the UIP can. My name is Pheno Sony and I am running for Party President of the United Independents Party.

At this moment, you might be asking yourself what I have to offer the UIP that my other party brethren do not...

Dedication, Experience and Entertainment.

Dedication: If you’re involved in USA politics at all, I’m sure you have, at the very least, heard of me. This is because I’ve put in many many hours into the UIP and have been in this party for 9 months solid. I am on the forums and IRC daily. I’ve held every single UIP cabinet position, with the exception of recruitment. I am active in everything UIP related. You will not find a more dedicated party president, who cares more about the UIP, than me.

Experience: As I previously stated, I’ve held every single UIP cabinet position, besides recruitment. I know what it’s like to do everything. Through first hand experience, I know what works and what doesn’t. I’ve not only seen it happen, I’ve experienced it myself. My resume, clearly shows I know the UIP intimately and I understand how to lead it.

Entertainment: All work and no play makes this Pheno a dull banana. We all can agree that this game would be nothing without our community. It’s what makes us thrive. It’s what makes us grow. It’s basically what keeps us here. The problem is, the less our community is having fun, the less interest we have in it. It’s up to us to create our own good time, not the President of the United States or anyone else.

I promise if you elect me as party president on the 15th, to (1) increase the amount of fun the UIP has. (2) Increase top 5 party relations. (3) Try my hardest to keep my cabinet active by rewarding the ambitious and chastising the coat tail riders. You can hold me to that. I will not let any of you down.

(thanks to jasonstiltner for making the image)