Quiz Edition I: Which eIrish Citizen Are YOU?

Day 2,338, 20:35 Published in Ireland USA by Raven Anarcho

In this special edition, I'll be holding my first Quiz for the readers to take.


Which eIrish Citizen Are YOU?

The eIrish community has evolved throughout the years, from having many factions competing against one another, to being brought down to two primary factions with little room in between. The modern day eIreland is divided among a handful of groups and is becoming more diverse by the month. So which group are you a part of?

The quiz has 5 questions, and 5 descriptive results. I tried to keep it simple, as its the first time I've used the website, and the first quiz I've ever made at that. But overall the process was extremely simple so expect more in the future at some point.

I'll be accepting recommendations on future quizzes so message me if you have an idea.


1. Cick on this link
2. Enter anything for the "first name" and "last name".
3. Take the quiz!

*note: This first quiz is just for fun. So take it as many times as you want.* 😛


I'm saving up my zookas and candies for a week or two. I'm going to try and get a few BHs and place in the top 3 of D2 leaderboards the week I finally use them, which may have to wait a while. I'll still be fighting daily for Ireland and her allies.


Issue Song:
The US Bombs - The World

"Low pay generally means harder work under worse conditions.” - Paul Goodman

The Irish Radical issue #73