Presidential Bulletin

Day 303, 07:41 Published in Portugal Portugal by Lucifel

Fellow Portuguese, i come to you to present the recent and new developments in our governative work.
In the Economy, from this day onward, there will be changes, in the whole economic system so you will notice a lot of changes on how it all will work. As you know V1 is almost here, as for the limitation of printing PTE, the method the admins found to delay the economies of the countries they don't like. Therefore, we will begin applying the tax system, proposing big changes in the tax rates: Rising the VAI (equivalent to IVA) to 50% so that we can make every initiative in Portugal to contribute to the national effort of getting stronger. Until this day, Portugal lived
in a regime free of state taxes, which didn't make any sense, since it was the State that would cover all of the costs through the massive printing of PTE. Since we can no longer continue with this method, the actual government is forced to make everyone pay for every sale that occurs in our country to pay half of their earnings in every product for the development of our country.
However knowing this, PeNICO will lower it's prices so everyone can be sure that there will not be any changes in the real price of the products. - Creation of the Income Tax, fixed in 5%, taking the business men and the individual workers to contribute to the maximization of the State, giving 5% of their earning to the State. The salaries of the workers of PeNICO will rise to make sure there won't loose any power to buy things. Decrease of the Import Tax's to 0,1% to maximize the economy, allowing the foreign investers to sell their products in Portugal, increasing the competition and the quantity of products available in the national market. There was also an enquiry about PeNICO and their will to continue with this form of organization of business, and in which forms to change it would their sugest, being
clear the opinion of the majority. All the opinions are being taken into consideration and thought so that there will be created a situation and will help to set the objectives of PeNICO against the difficulties of the future, but also to satisfy the will of those who disagree with the model used and that consider that may exist other ways and serve other people. Still in the economic aspect, there was lauched the Agency of Security for Economic Activities, that will count essencially with the work of anarquia ( This Agency will center his activity on the forum ( and will dedicate to investigate and report all the irregular activities of companies and SO's that clearly disrespect the rules of the game. In the field of junction and analysis of information, we are counting to launch the National Institute of Statistics, which shall be announced and presented very soon. The Armed Forces, in this field it is being alligned by the CEMFA the reorganization of the Armed Forces, and will soon be announced the Field Commander, that will be responsable for the Educational Military System.
Foreign Country Business, there are already working the first embassy's working in the new model, starting to arrive precious information from the countries we are being represented. V1 - As for V1, his lauching is very close, so the names to make part of the Study Comity of V1 have been found, which will start working very soon, by gathering all the information possible and analysing the same, so that Portugal has all the options covered to apply in the Social, Economic, Political and Military in the 30 of September.