Day 1,518, 14:11 Published in USA USA by Molly Emma

Day 1518



It is indeed an honor for me to be here today on behalf of VPP Greene12 and myself to thank you all for your trust and enthusiastic support. You all have been incredible and I am sure your expectations are high. The Federalists have made some excellent strides in growth and activity in the last months. I pledge to you today to continue that growth. Both in numbers and in active efforts to forward Federalist values and influence throughout the eWorld.

As outlined in my platform article, I have a few very specific goals that can take us to the next level of growth for the Federalist!

1) Re-establish inter-party ties. Since I have been in the eWorld, our community has been somewhat fractured along party lines and communication between us as groups has waned. The Federalists are part of a greater community in the eWorld. An eWorld that has some excellent people, like-minded and otherwise. We have some excellent minds and talented people here in the Feds. We can and we will lead this movement to join with our brothers to make the eUS an even Prouder and Hornier place!

This movement will start with Angelini and Talio Extremist in the Political Department. Their dedication and knowledge give them valuable connections and insight.

2) Establish better intra-party communications. The FOP and R&R Departments are now meshed together and will continue their excellent work under the Leadership of Mr. Booboo Kittybottoms. The next level will be to activate the Federalist Media Department and resurrect the Federalist Newsletter. Headed by Eliwood Sain it will be written by and for Federalists to keep all party members abreast of current party and national events.

3) Keep our members' activity level high! Many hand make for light work. That's true in the Feds as well as anywhere. It only takes a minute to sign up on the Forums and become a part of this great success that is the Federalists!

Fed Forum!!

If YOU would like to contribute your time and talents, please use the link below to volunteer!

Volunteer Sign-Up!

I look forward to an excellent month at the head of the most excellent party the eUS! Don't miss out. Become a part of it!


Keep smiling USA! Don’t let the whiners and pessimists get you down!