Political alliances are for countries, not parties.

Day 916, 14:24 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

There is gossip going around about the Feds being in an alliance with SEES lolol I think there is a plot to destroy the APF and the military while taking over all of Congress and the White House through the brute force of trolling and whining. Should be pretty sweet.

Seriously though, political alliances on the party level are retarded and there is absolutely no reason for them. To the Feds, alliances don’t even exist. The Federalists try to be friendly with everyone and we’re willing to work with everyone. We are most attracted to people we agree with, which is to be expected. We want party unity meaning all the parties are awesome and they all work for the betterment of this nation. The key part of that is ‘betterment.’ The Federalists are currently seeking friendships with other reasonable parties that support making this game fun for people by serving the country.

The military has become a political issue and some parties are choosing to become extremely involved in the debate. This debate is not helpful. The results of this debate are hurting our citizens. We aren’t going to fight about it (as a party). We accept whatever rules and regulations the various branches implement and will be sure to update all of our info so newer members are not caught off guard. The Federalist Party has never promoted one branch of the military over another, and we will continue to present all of the military options to our new members alongside promotion for our own militia, Easy Company. As always, our party members are free to have their own opinions and those directly involved should keep working for what they think is right. As a party, however, there’s nothing for us to discuss. It’s not OUR problem.

Federalists proudly fight for the military or militias and work for this country via the party organization. The party has never encountered any kind of issue with members serving in the military. In fact, it makes the culture of our party that much richer because of those that do both. However, as I understand it, certain branches of the military are running into issues by allowing soldiers to be in political parties. The military has the constitutional right to address those issues how they see fit. However, this is not a rule the party will police or enforce. We will not discourage anyone from pursuing the full game experience.

We hate that such a line has been drawn. It is unfortunate that quite a few citizens need to make difficult choices about what they’re doing in this game and pick between two essential parts of their eLives. Yes, they can still be in the military, they just have join a different branch if they wish to serve as a eUS military soldier and a party member at the same time. But if you’ve ever been in a military branch (or a good political party), you know it’s not that simple. You develop relationships with the people you serve with and they become like another mini-family. That’s what keeps us in the game. That’s what makes this fun. Being forced to leave those people just because you also hang out with some other people is not cool… But it is not the place of this party to try and influence military policy, and we will not. It is, however, the place of this party to be inclusive and support our members in absolutely every aspect of this game. We will continue to do so.