Peace: At What Cost?

Day 2,790, 08:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Colin ChipPhilfer Brown

Post Mortem

It has been a few days since the announcement of a peace deal with Argentina and the return of one region at the cost of 50,000cc. Reasons have been provided; opinions vented and during that time a period of reflection or post mortem has happened depending on your stance. So the £50,000 question, was it right or wrong for the chain of events to transpire the way they did? Honestly, I just don’t know. There are no easy answers, contrary to beliefs of some who inform us there are easier paths but they are only deluding themselves. The purpose of this article is to take a look at the elements of what has occurred and maybe if my brain can handle it make some valid points. Hopefully in a constructive manner as I don’t want to be a bull in a china shop.

My brain hurts.

The Deal

Firstly the deal, either people has said it or at least thinking it, the agreement is a big steaming pile of the proverbial and there is no getting away from it. Basically it stinks more than Boris Johnson after his morning cycle to work. Truthfully the eUK was in dire straits, the treasury was depleting, no new player sign ups and Britain was completely wiped. Our bargaining position was weaker than an American beer and we could only take the crumbs that Argentina was throwing our way.

That is the question.


Saying they are a little bit cheesed off with us is a bit like saying Chernobyl was a small radiation leak. Even though we didn’t have much leverage in negotiations they can rightly feel aggrieved. It was certainly a suicide mission on their part but they showed a willingness to repay us for the assistance we previously provided. In their eyes after a kamikaze attack we have betrayed our friendship and showed we only look out for ourselves. Even though I am a firm believer of charity starts at home I do feel sympathy for Ireland in what has arisen as we were pretty annoyed with Belgium for doing the same thing.

Rebranded the Fuming Isle.


The CP can’t escape scrutiny as it appears to be his lone actions and nobody else was aware of his plan. I hope he can take any criticism that eUK citizens throw at him on the chin because if he doesn’t have broad shoulders he is in the wrong governmental position. We have looked at the plan of the PM paying back the 50k himself so effectively it is not the country footing the bill but what concerns me is how the scheme was implemented. In essence a one man mission which disregarded his government and bypassed Parliament. Congress may have become inactive due to the wipe but not consulting the “everyone can chip in government” on the IRC channel/in-game mechanics is questionable. Has the Prime Minister overstepped his remit on this occasion and made democracy the poor relation?

Will this determine our view of Applesby's Premiership.


Finally let us look at the aggressor. The peace treaty has certainly divided them as there are a number of Argentinians opposed to peace with Great Britain. My observations on our war with Argentina have concluded that even though they are a strong nation in a dominating alliance they have employed a simple yet highly effective strategy of divide and conquer. Wiping nations then promising them regions and peace in exchange for non-aggression resulting in the number of allies we have fighting our corner being reduced. Also worth noting there is nothing stopping Argentina from deciding to wipe us again and then the £50,000 would be for nothing.

Hard to believe it is over a few rocks.


I was hoping to have come to some sort of epiphany whiling writing this piece but sadly not and I will leave it the eHistorians of future generations to decide whether it was right or wrong. I can only conclude on the events with the following phrases “Stuck between a rock and a hard place” and “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t”. In addition diplomatically our actions will not only impact our relations with Ireland but also with other countries as we may not seem to be a trustworthy ally. Worryingly questions have to be asked, will Appleby perform any further black ops and leave us all in the dark and is the deal nothing more than extortion with future aggression down the road demanding more money?

As usual hope you enjoyed. Please vote, endorse, subscribe and comment whether it be defending the eUk course of action, criticising it or a simple shrug of the shoulders followed by meh.
