Patanjali interview

Day 2,958, 12:43 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ


It is hard to find something that could represent you, especial, because you are changing with every second that pass.

So, how did you came in this game, and when ?

Well, it was in 02 September 2008, and because a player from another game call us all (in the same “Tribe” ) to join a new game.
At the beginning, I believe that Pigs fly, in this game, and gave the best from me, considering it a … task.
This … bad approach (considering it is a game and a Virtual reality) took me 3 lives before I could … conform.

Best thing you did in this game ?

Hmmm. Perhaps the poetic and sage community from Moldavia, where I get my 2 terms like CP. Bad part is that I could never get closer India and Romania, to anticipate your next question.

Some love ?

A lot of them 😃 . After all, I was appointed Ministry of Love (and Affairs, I added) in eIndia, when the kittens ruled the country.

Enemies ?

I prefer to forget all of them now, especially because in time, I managed to transform, at least some of them, in friends or at least aquintances.

Why India ?

Many of you already know, I love this country because what she gave to humankind, the wisdom and a balanced realistic view about the life and her goal.
At the beginning (my first days, weeks and months in eIndia) it was a bit weird to see so many youngsters unaware about this deep wisdom and about the extraordinary achievements of the elders. In time I understand that in RL India, like in all the world, global civilization and , with her, a brand new kind of life style and values, began to be present and … considered desirable.
However, in time (which is very important, if you could perceive he’s flow) I get to k ow better some of you and I understand that there are deep roots that could not be cut and that there is a deep conscience of that wisdom, even today.
So yes, I’m a kind of weird European, that chose to play this game (in the end) as an Indian, and I’m very pleased with that. Dhanyavaad !

Friends ?

Well, I’m a friendly person 😃, so I keep the doors of the eAshram opened.
Unfortunately I get used (too used) with the IRC and I neglected my presence on Forum and Skype (but thanks to Asmita I do learn the way to Skype too 😃 )
IRC was more … cozzy, because one could have private chat and there, a bunch of friends could … tell stories, make jokes, etc. What friends do.
However, I try to stay as close to my friends as possible, but I ask forgiveness if I’m not present … all the time.

Few words ?

I did not start to play … from the beginning of the eRepublik, but I got the chance to know some who did, so, I could say I do know how this world evolved, who … populate her and how players are.
Yet, even if I wandered a lot in the countries of this world, I could not find a more pleasant eNation, nor players so opened and friendly like you are.
I use to say that Indians are persons with the best developed common sense and I mean it.

Europeans are always quarrelling on something, and this escalade in an injurious debate, and in this world they are all over the place.

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !