Past or Future, eIsrael? That is the choice.

Day 745, 20:37 Published in Israel Israel by Maelyn

Once again eIsrael has the chance to choose what direction they want to go in, and who will best lead us down that path. The candidates this time are zaib atsu or Franz Kafka. The differences between them could not be clearer.

Franz Kafka has laid out a Presidential platform that gives a concrete view of who he is and how he intends to lead. He has a clear vision of where we are and what needs to be done to get us on the track to increased growth, strength, unity and prosperity. He has shown his commitment to a new direction for eIsrael. He believes we should be united by our common goals, not divided by our minor differences. He believes we should stay true to our shared values, not toss them aside for temporary convenience. He is a proven leader. He is not afraid to seek the opinions of those with whom he may disagree. He strongly believes a leader’s job should be to communicate with the country regularly, allowing every citizen to be informed and involved. In all his communications Franz Kafka is mature, thoughtful, and wise.

Zaib was thrown into the presidency by the actions of his predecessor, and inherited a difficult situation. His handling of both the situation with Turkey and the responsibilities of his position has been uneven and erratic at best. As the country has lurched from one crisis to the next we have often turned to him for guidance. At critical junctures, rather than communicating with the country, he disappeared. Hours, even days would go by with no word coming from the president at all, leaving the country to struggle as best it could with whatever new crisis had emerged without any clear direction from the one who should have been advising us. When he did eventually say something, it was almost always with a distinctly put-upon tone. Almost every communication he has had with the country has been tinged with the attitude that he was doing us a favor by speaking to us at all; much less actually answer a question. It’s as if he believes the citizens of this eCountry have no right to question, no right to be informed. He has shown himself to be convinced of his own infallibility – shunning the advice or comment of anyone not within his private circle of friends. His arrogance, silence, and snarky backhanded comments to those who dared to criticize him show he is cut from the same political cloth as his friends and mentors – Sadeh Badeh and CJ Will Win.

Do we want to stay on our present course, doing what we have always done? Or do we want a new direction for this country – a direction founded on hope, trust, mutual respect, unity and strength? Four of eIsrael’s five political parties have stood together to proclaim that we are ready to toss aside the old guard and turn this country around. It’s time that eIsrael’s future was decided by her citizens, not the privileged few who have done so much harm to us these past few months.

I am voting for Franz Kafka for President. I invite you to stand with me. Together we CAN make a difference.