Parliament News - Edition nr. 01

Day 3,179, 00:02 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

Welcome to the first edition of my promised column "Parliament News"!

My main goal is to promote political interest, and promote broader public debates, by taking the “headligths” of the ongoing political discussions.

It still has to find its best form for presentation. It`s also challenging, because it is a lots of activity in the Parliament, but it`s not always so easy to find its conclusions. Therefore I will do a sort of sequencing, by “Concluded debates” (which have been a subject of voting), and “Unconcluded ongoing debates” (wich has not been subject to any voting process yet).

I will have to do some experimenting to find the best form of this column, I think. By exempel, it will concern the balance whether to detailing the issues or not. Sometimes I will may refer to our congress and government forums to see the whole discussion. Please give me god advices to improve this column!

I wish you good reading!

Last month it has been an active political with several topics on the agenda. Let`s start with the concluded debates...!


The Act of Training War With eFinland and eSweden:

After the changes in the game`s economical module, it has emerged that our training wars with eSweden and eFinland is not comparable the new topic of creating and develop holding establismnent in our regions. In a short way it was listed 3 options to vote on:

1) End entirely the Training Wars with eSweden and eFinland 0 votes
2) Change the specifics of Training Wars with eSweden and/or eFinland (triggers new Discussion and Vote on specifics). 7 votes
3) No change to the Training Wars as they currently are. 1 vote

The Act of Training War with eFinland and eSweden - Alternative 2 has become the chosen alternative and therefore eNorwegian Law!

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The Act of eNorwegian development fund (proposed by integer syntax)

Cpresident integer syntax proposed a to create a Norwegian development fund in purpose to reinvest in developments of eNorwegian citizens. Her is the details of the proposal:

1) 10% of all tax revenue must go into a fund the sole purpose of which will be to reinvest in the development of eNorwegian citizens.
-No money can go to foreign citizens, orgs, governments, nor can it be used to recruit foreign citizens.
-The current Congress will decide what development means. It can be development of eNorwegians as warriors, businessmen, journalists, etc.

2) How the funds will be spent will be at the sole discretion of the current, sitting Congress. The CP will have no vote on how the funds are used, but can propose and discuss the use of funds.

3) Any money not spent by the current Congress remains in the fund and may be used by the following Congress, but for no other purpose than to develop eNorwegian citizens.

4) The money may not be transferred directly, indirectly, or otherwise to any current member or members of Congress, the CP, or the Cabinet.

5) The fund will be accounted for by the current Governor, and administered by the Minister of Education.
-The Governor must provide an update at least 1 time each month to the members of Congress on the amount of NOK currently in the fund in a non-public forum only (because if the fund reaches a large size, we certainly don't want to advertise that publicly).
-The Minister of Education must provide an update at least 1 time each month to the members of Congress on the what, if any, NOK has been spent. To be clear, this includes months in which nothing was spent.

6) Congress can vote to dump all or part of the NOK in the development fund into a general eNorwegian treasury fund for the sole purpose of defending eNorway only if another country has declared war (excluding an agreed upon Training War) on eNorway.
-If the funds are not used to defend eNorway, they must be returned to the development fund by the Governor immediately following the end of the final battle or peaceful conclusion of the war.

The Act of eNorwegian Development fund is adopted unanimously in Congress by 12 votes, and therefore eNorwegian Law


Rigth to return debate:

During a CS application debate it was suggesting a change to existing eNorwegian immigration law. It has been suggested that notable eNorwegian citizens who gave up their eNorwegian CS and then later decided to return to eNorway should be subject to an expedited CS application. Since there was some support for this idea, it was up for discussion for a while. But it ended unconcluded, because the both actual notabilities, wanted no special treatment according to the current law.

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Monarchy debate (proposed by Joshua Morriseau:

Joshua proposed of resurrection of the enorwegian monarchy founded by his majesty Christopher Moe. All the details in the proposal can be read at the forum, but Joshua`s purpose is this:

“The purpose of the new role in itself is simply to create some fun and activity in the community. The Monarch will hold no real power of course. They will be responsible for opening up Congress and being the face of Norway internationally. They will be able to hand out medals during the end of they're terms to citizens they deem worthy.
We are choosing someone who should be active with posting articles to keep the community interesting and active. And of course it is the Monarchs job to always bash the Chileans when possible.”

Here are some punchlines of the debate (forgive me if taken too much out of context):


"I like the idea, and would like to throw in my two cents:
- The next Monarch should always be elected > Because that would enable a popular Monarch to remain in the role > Because that is the old Norse way in which kings were confirmed and given credibility

- A Monarch should not be able to participate actively participate in politics, this includes being a party member, hold any government positions or discuss political issues/promote parties or party views > Because that is the only way a Monarch could really be a Head of the nation, truly above petty politics and quarrel > Because that would be most canon to the Norwegian parlamentarism and how the Norwegian Monarchy works today

- A Monarch should be able to abdicate before end of term > Because that would allow a Monarch to engage in active politics if desired and wanted > Because that would enable the Monarch to step down if having to go inactive in eRepublik for some period

- A Monarch should be able to be overthrown, to keep things sane this could for instance be by allowing one referendum per Congress term only, and such a vote must be requested by members of Congress only. > Because sometimes we would get true jerk Monarchs. Just like in real life, but in here we would have a means to get rid of them > Because a Monarch may go inactive without notice, and there should be a way to clear the way for a new active Monarch"

Kristoffer AG:

"I like the idea of having purely ceremonial positions. During my active time there was never the room for discussions around potentially instituting a monarchy in Norway, mostly because there was a lot of dirty play between the main parties. Now that it's calmed down a lot I'd like to see it happen."

hans erik:

“I don't really like the idea.
I don't see any point of having this. The CP should do most of those things, and as people say if we actually have active people who can write articles and keep friends with other nations, we could need them in government.”


"….Picking a guy that's active and can't do any politics for six months? Nope. We struggle hard enough as it is now to find people wanting to do some work here……"

West Bergen:

"I say let's try this, for a few months. If it works as intended, we make it permanent. If not, we go back to what we do now.
I know I'm not active enough to be Monarch, but I'm sure our congress can find some good candidates to be our first monarch since Moe. It's big shoes to fill, but I think we got many citizens who can fill them."


“We should make an Constitution Assembly, describing the frames of the poltical eNorway”

M. de Ruyter:

“I've been reading this topic with a growing feeling of surprise, and tbh I still don't know weater I support such an idea or not. Having said that, I think I can contribute by saying: let's also think about some holidays for eNorway, on which the Queen or King makes a speech and we all celebrate with festivities. Like the e-birthday of the Queen or King, the Queensday or Kingsday. Myabe also a day for the saint of eNorway, and if there isn't a saint for that we can make one up. 🙂 Something like saint Patrick's day in Ireland. We could also celebrate mid summer and mid winter. There, that's already 4 holidays. 🙂

Approved CS Applications:

M. de Ruyter,
Prince Sheogorath,
Eric Dalphino

Political approvements:

M. de Ruyter,
carlos alex36

Other Things:

Fiona LNX has decided to resign as congress member. Therefore the Kvakksangerne Group will be reduced to 8, leaving the Congress to 27 seats and NGP the largest party.

Please V,S,S,E,C and debate!
(and give suggestions to improvements)