Omnipotent? Become Omniscient

Day 2,510, 21:40 Published in Canada Norway by Major Lee Hung

I wasn't planning to get involved in the election mud-slinging, but egomaniacs are very high up on the list of things I dislike most. Unfortunately one such character is prevalent in this election, and some arguments need to be corrected. So, from the perspective of the general eCanadian public.....

To succeed in Foreign Affairs, you apparently you need friends, contacts and 'assets'. (The latter of which seems to merely be an added word to make the requirements seem higher than they really are?!)

We are told that DMV3 (incidentally by DMV3) is the only person in the eWorld who can possibly deliver on foreign affairs, because nobody else has contacts? A job that requires nothing more than talking to people on IRC or messaging people in-game, we are told nobody else can do. Having a contact is nothing more than knowing who to speak to. It's safe to say that anybody can do foreign affairs if they have enough free time. This IS after all, only eRepublik.

"But I maded Canada stronk!!!11

The above points make it clear enough that foreign affairs isn't some sort of unique trait that nobody else possesses. And the below is why DMV3 isn't really as omnipotent as he himself tells us. And unlike his 'vote me pl0x' article, I even have actual facts to evidence each point!


Foreign affairs does require a cool head - this is something that DMV3 has proven he does not possess. Remember that time he tried to get in to eUSA and get us wiped because we impeached his friend? This is just one of many examples to prove my point.


Reputation is also an important factor when considering international relationships. Begging Asteria to let Canada join because we're too important for LETO isn't the way to build this in a positive way. People don't forget embarrassment like that.


He must be the chosen one right?! He has FRIENDS!

Unfortunately, these 'friends' have never come to light. I challenge you DMV3, post below exactly who these 'friends' are, and why it helps us? Every citizen in the world over level 30 has at least 3-4 people in high positions - why do yours make you better for the role?

This one isn't a disagreement - it's just a question from the voting public, asking you to back up your points with actual facts.

In summary...

DMV3 is not a prodigy - please vote informed and sensibly. Foreign affairs is only a part of the wider role of leading a country, and Dozzer offers an equally appealing approach to the role.

No facts have come out in this opinion-based campaign yet, and I think we should get some answers before the voting begins