Olaf for Congress

Day 1,521, 17:09 Published in USA USA by olaf iverstone

Hello all you bastards, future sons of liberty, and all other supporters of our party.

I am running for Congress, under the U.S. Marijuana Party (Their Pic: http://imgur.com/HuO16.jpg). But don't let that confuse you. I am running for the BoL party (Bastards of Liberty). This is why i would be the best candidate for Congress.

1.) I have read up on congress this month, and two (2) months ago. I know a lot about congress, which means i will be able to help the people more than some of the other candidates.

2.) I will continue to bring US war efforts forward. We are now pushing back our enemies. We need to bring the final blow to them and destroy them. I will use as many methods as i can to do this.

3.) I will help lower taxes. We all know that taxes are VERY annoying, so why not bring them down more? I will try to raise taxes on foreign products, thus increasing the amount of eUSA products sold. This will increase the amount of money that our citizens have.

I hope that i have helped you understand why i would be the best candidate for congress. Vote for me in Connecticut

Best regards,
Olaf Iverstone