Numbers don't lie, but liars use numbers...

Day 399, 18:41 Published in USA Canada by Dillan Stone

Our illustrious President attempts to point out that America did more damage in the wall so far than any other nation. There's only two problems with that:

1) Per capita, we're the weakest nation, as his numbers clearly show.
2) And Spain has done more vs. PEACE, when you consider both Italy and France. Oops.

Point #2 really is just a fun aside, though.

Still, the explanation he ascribes to these numbers is full of fallacy:

We are strong, sayeth the Dover - PEACE ganging up on us moreso than, say, Canada or the UK, proveth it.

The problem is, half the countries in PEACE are made of nations which don't like the IRL USA much. If you're an Iranian or Indonesian, and you have the choice of any of five nations to attack, and one of them is the USA, then the identity of the other four don't matter. In fact, if it wasn't for the MPPs that would kick in, they'd invade the US in a heartbeat - for them, it would be better than pr0n.

For the more pragmatic rationale - we got more damage done against us because it TOOK more damage to put our forces down. Strategic application of force. But note that PEACE decided to push out the US before it really even BEGAN trying to push out Sweden or Spain. In Spain's case, it's because they're the hardest to defeat perhaps - but in Sweden's, it's probably a diplomatic divide and conquer gambit that failed, combined with the principle that Sweden is the "least evil" member of ATLANTIS, from the perspective of PEACE (in particular, the European members thereof)

The more worrying sign, however, is the average-damage-per-battle. To me, this proves that Americans, moreso than other nations PER CAPITA (meaning without respect to population) were willing to fight bare-handed. Or, more cynically, were either unable or unwilling to buy a weapon but wanted to fight anyway. Pick your poison.

The only thing Benn's numbers really prove is, if we are going to leverage our population and productivity effectively, we have to have a saner way to get weapons into the hands of our soldiers. We are an entire nation of mostly wall-punchers, because of GM greed and government incompetence.

That sai😛 If we press the war now, we could still "win" - I don't know how decimated PEACE's economies are, but if theirs fails completely before ours fails completely, we win by default. The reverse, incidently, is also true - if our economy freefalls and ANY PEACE nation hasn't, then we will probably see PEACE taking over some ATLANTIC land - although probably not on American soil (despite severe temptations on their part, no doubt), since that is the ONE thing PEACE could do to make us actually hate them as much as they hate us. (And tactically speaking, they've been the Robert E. Lee to our George McClellan.)

I believe the better strategy is to choose between:

1) A negotiated peace. If freeing Switzerland was the point, then make that a non-negotiable. Particularly now that PEACE has pushed back as far as they dare, meaning that the threat of simultaneous invasion would actually work again.

2) A cease-fire and massive rearming. We know they can't effectively cross the Atlantic without MPPs kicking in bigtime. Just make sure that when the second offensive in the war starts, we actually have both the weapons to fight that war, and the discipline not to USE all of those weapons in the first battle.