Now Is Not the Time to Panic

Day 619, 07:49 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

Citizens of the eUS, you must keep your heads about you right now. The Presidential Elections are five days away and already I have been hearing about blame being cast about. Yes, current events are bad. Yes, the eUS is in a poor position in its war against the PEACE GC. Yes, there is plenty of blame for everyone, myself included.

Now is not the time to draw knives for your fellow countrymen. There are many dedicated, hard-working, committed individuals that pour their daily attention into making things run. No, it isn't perfect. Yes, mistakes and missed opportunities abound. But I ask you: besides complaining, what efforts have you made to pitch in and help out in this time of need? Have you been willing to improve the organization of the US government? Have you given your constructive criticism and advice to channels to increase the working effectiveness of our country's administration?

We are collectively suffering from the twin bouts of political malaise and opportunism. Malaise from the terrible disadvantages we are facing from this war. Opportunism from the sense that the government is weak. Let me assure you: this current administration is doing everything in its power to prosecute the war and make preparations for the future. I strongly urge you NOT TO RIOT. Now is the time to continue our collective stand in the face of adversity. A witch hunt in the vain search of "those responsible" will only result in a speedy downfall of the US. Do not let yourself fall victim to those who seek power for power's sake alone.

What can you do in our time of need? 1. Follow military orders. 2. Volunteer with the various departments of the US government be it the military, the welcoming committee, the State Department, wherever. 3. Educate yourselves on game mechanics. 4. REMAIN CALM.

Thanks, and let's go eUS! We can do this!