No allies no AS

Day 2,447, 17:27 Published in Serbia Serbia by PREDSEDNIK eSRBIJE

If Romanian congress say YES

Count on Serbian AS.

Count on gang bang and Erepublik intersesting as it was few years ago.

If not, I am going on vacation, deserved with a lots of cold beer.


I really wants to beleive that Romania, Greece, Argentina, Persia, and my oposition all of them are playing this for themselves, for their countries and for their honore, not for CC and virtual money, CO and those ****

For friends, for allies, for honore, SO GOD HELP US



Тако да од напада нема ништа све док не будемо имали барем једног савезника уз себе који је озбиљан у намери да решимо проблем турске.