New Sense of Security

Day 944, 18:26 Published in Canada USA by Mattoze5

Hello eCanada and New Brunswick,

I’ve noticed something in eCanada recently that reminds me of an old eUS story that occurred way back when I first joined this game:
A certain eUS president that owned a Q5 hospital company decided to sell his Q5 to the eUS government. Due to the government’s lack of discretion, after donating the money to his org, he decided not to put the Q5 up on the market, therefore getting away with the money and leaving the eUS without a Q5. Luckily he did eventually send the eUS the Q5 but warned the government that if they did not shape up, it could happen for real by someone who has no intention of giving it back. Sadly the eUS did not heed the warning and orgs/money went missing or were stolen.

I guess we can see a similar situation here with jbdivinus who managed to "gain control of" quite a bit, but with no real intention of keeping it, just warning us. Yet again we’ve been robbed and now there is even talk of game data hackers gaining control. The CSIS, although doing an excellent job finding the perpetrators, have not prevented these incidents from occurring (not to say they haven’t prevented any, for all we know they could have prevented a million worse situations we don't even know about.)

The reason I bring this up is because I think more can be done to prevent this, and with V2 right around the corner we better be sure we have V1 secure before the change. That is why I hope you vote Mattoze5 for New Brunswick congressman. As congressman, I would suggest a measure to not only reset all important org passwords owned by the government but reconsolidate all those who should have access to these orgs, making sure they are approved by the CSIS.

--Multi-term congressman for the eUS--
-Infrastructure Committee Chairman
--Multi-term (Top 5) Party President--
-web development
-recruiting management
-live streaming
-Fun (when Ajay was around you know we had loads of it XD )

If we don’t keep looking forward we won’t be able to move ahead.

I want to wish the best of luck to Anthonylacono, Anomie, MrBrightsideDW, sanchez shortie, Mawasha, Rigour6, and frank139: let the best 2 candidates win 😉

God Bless All,