New players guide, by a pro [editted for plato]

Day 1,244, 17:31 Published in Japan Japan by Fruitcommando

Sorry subscribers, Apparently admin got mad and gave me 1 FP and no appeal, as usual. Here is the editted article reposted, also to anyone who reported me....umad?

Hello dear friends, and welcome to the piece of greatness that we call erepublik. Today I will be telling you how to become anything in erepublik, and how to be a business tycoon!

P.S I'm too lazy to find pictures, so enjoy this wall of text.
1. Kiss up to your superiors
The easiest way to do this is go on IRC, There are guides how to get on IRC; THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM! Find your target, be this the president, party president, congressmen or minister. Once you find your target, befriend them by complimenting them (or just call them a butt, I guess people like that).

Once you have gained their friendship use your connections to promote yourself higher in the political standings of your country, Don't be afraid to use them to the point of ending a friendship because this game is worth more than any one person.

Good job on getting elected, Future president !
2. attach yourself to a group of people
Congrats on getting your political goal, now that you have it you have to hold it by showing you're not an idiot. The easiest way to do so is to join a group of people, be this a party, PTO group or a group of friends. Should there be a debate over your competence, always have them present. If they are a good group they will defend you, You can't look like an idiot when you're maintaining your composure while your group of friends are fighting with the opposition!

If all goes well you're on your way to forming the empire that you get to have a voice in, remember to always stay close to the president whoever it is. Fight for them in debates and other things that call out their actions, this will let you become a guard of sorts of the president. You can then backstab them and assert your position unto the people as their newly appointed leader. Remember to keep your group of friends, you will still need a wall of defense against random opposition.
3. Success or Defeat
If all goes well, and I know it will since I wrote this guide; you will be successful. Depending on your job in the highest spot possible you will have 2 choices of which you will have to choose. Stay or move on, If you did a terrible job you can Stay and face the crowds of people who hate you or move on to a new country and repeat this process, still maintaining that group of friends for later international connections. If you did a good job, feel free to stay until they stop electing you. This moves onto the economic portion of this article.
4. Make monies
Welcome to the economic section of this article, I will start out with the basics and move onto the more complicated portion later. After a while you will get a bit of wealth, you can use this on anything you want but I suggest spamming RM companies since they can't go wrong now that you can work in them. You can buy gold with RL monies (Don't do it) or you can loot a treasury when you're president, or be part of a pto group and get a part of their loot. Now I'm not saying you should do this, but there is only 3 ways to make money in this game. Cheating(looting), Buying gold(lame), and being an Old player(playing forever). As you progress further into having vast wealth in this game you begin to see how pointless it is, other than for fighting.
5. Military
Sad facts friends, you will always suck at this unless you pay lots of RL money to be good at it. Feel free to lana your heart out though, It won't help if you don't buy gold!

Now that you've reached all your goals in erepublik, you can quit. Due to me helping you with all of this you can give back to me; since you now owe me one. Just simply send me all your gold before you quit and we'll call it even.

-Until next time
Das Kaiser FructeKommandante