My Presentation for upcoming congress Election ...

Day 764, 02:47 Published in India India by lordlebu

"Atmano mokshartham jagad hitaya cha," — For one's own salvation, and for the welfare of the world

This is my Land , I was born here . When i was young i trained here , learning the way of the warrior . But that was long ago ! Now we live in an age of war . Our neighbors are now our enemies and the country is now our fortress ! Here we stand and if we should fall our honor is still great .

Leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness , humanity , courage and sternest . Draw them in by prospect of gain . Take them by confusion . But who is good at diplomacy overcomes enemy's forces without battle , conquers enemy's cities without siege , destroys enemy nations without taking a long time .

Those who know when to fight and when not to fight are victorious , those who decide when to use many or few troops are victorious . Those armies whose lower ranks have the same will as the upper ranks are victorious . Those generals who are not constrained by their government are victorious .

Invincibility is a matter of defense , venerability is a matter of attack . In ancient times skillful warriors first made themselves invincible and watched for vulnerability in their opponents .

This is our land , and it shall be streaked with blood . One day our world will be reunited . The path to peace is a dangerous journey ! But there shall be Peace . A peace under the flag ! A peace curved by the Sword !

link to my presentation webpage :