My plan for eAustralia

Day 3,092, 04:56 Published in Australia Australia by An Australian Man

Today, Australia (in real life) began a 8 week march to a general election on July 2nd. This election could be one of the biggest in Australian History.

BUT, that is not why I am talking about today. No, today I set out my plan for a better eAustralia. A eAustralia that will be respected by the likes of Serbia and Chile (but not like them).

There is going to be a lot we have to do to get there though and will take some time. But hopefully we can lay the groundwork soon, but I hope some of the ideas I talk about today will start a discussion that will lead to a better tomorrow


Let's face facts. Our population is too small to sustain even a foot in the door in this eWorld. When i started this game way back when, we were controlled by the Chilean Brutes and the gang of strong men. We were lucky to have even one region that we could keep for more than 3 days at a time, and was lucky to get a Parliament.

We need to encourage people to join a battler nation. Which is why I am proposing the Australian Population Bureau. The APB will encourage population growth in our country, and give benefits for current eCitizens who bring in new Australians. Whether through naturalization or new eCitizens being created.

And for anyone who doubts that this plan will work, if I am elected APP Party President, i will seek to trail this plan with APP members who can bring in new eCitizens and align them with the APP.

The need for Land
For eAustralia to gain power, we need land. As stated above, our current population is currently to low for us to sustain land by ourselves. That leaves us with two main options at the current time. Gain stronger allies, or make peace with our enemy's.

In my opinion, we need new allies. We can't be consider the wimp and lose our territory to benefit others. And this sentiment has been echoed by other prominent eAussies.

But what if we can't find new allies. Well then we might have to negotiate with people who are held in little regarded by eAussies like myself.

But the specifics are for another time. We never know where we will be in 3 months. If we are in a better position then we are now, then we might want to keep the future status quo. Although if we are still in our current position, then I will talk about my ideas at a later date.

For me, these are the two most important issues in our eNation at the moment and my views and soultions of these problems. But I might be misinformed, I might be wrong about something. So don't hesitate to call me out on anything I have stuffed up on.

In conclusion, we need to grow. We need our population to thrive, and our eNation to be respected.

An Australian Man