My Opinions On The New Congressional Election System

Day 1,769, 15:49 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

Good or Bad?

I honestly cannot answer that question just yet, because I would like to give the new system its fair chance to work for a few election cycles and see how things work out. However, from what I am reading about it, it doesn't sound like something I like and I'm sure many others out there would agree that this system seems a bit more complicated than the current system of just having each party have a candidate in every region and allowing the people who live in each region or who move there on Election Day to make the choice as to who they wish to vote for.

Now, the parties are being asked to pick between their members even more than they previously would have been under the previous system, because the parties themselves receive the votes of the people and depending on their share of the vote, they are to get a certain number of seats in Congress.

This also presents an issue when, let's say, Ronald Gipper Reagan is a member in a top five party, and they like him enough to place him at the top of their priorities list. This means that if the party he is a member of can gain enough favor, he now will be a sitting Congress member. The new system is going to surely irritate alot of people this election cycle, with everyone trying to piece together the action and see which parties are set to take what shares of Congress this time around.


I know I don't get articles out nearly as often as you were all used to during the summer, or as often as I would like to. Since the school year started, alot of RL priorities have taken hold and they have made my available time very hard to control.

Nevertheless, I would like to start to try and end each article with a question that is to be answered by our readers in the comments section of the article. Most of the time, the question will relate directly to the topic of the article.

Question: What do you think of the new system of electing people to Congress in eRepublik?