My introduction

Day 324, 12:26 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n

This is a welcome and a more about me sort of article.

Real Life
I am Kyle, but my friends have a variety of nicknames for me. Depending on the time, location and group of friends I am with I am either Kyle, (my last name, which I won't give out unless I know you), Del Sol, or Sherman. I am currently going to school in Northwest Indiana, where I was born and raised. I'm 21, a communications major with a German minor. My goal in life is to move to Germany and live for some duration of my life, how long that is will be determined by when I can achieve that goal and what I plan on doing while I am living there.

MMORPG Experience
This is my second attempt at a MMORPG. The first is what led me here. I am currently the agent of 9 football players in a game called [a url=]GoalLineBlitz[/a]. I am pretty sucessful, winning a championship when I owned a franchise (later sold to a friend also on eRepublik) and am now the GM of 3 teams (although in 22 days that will be owner of 1 and GM of 2.) You can ask any of my fellow players, I remain active, loyal and dedicated to the teams I play on even when they may not be the best teams. I am constantly trying to improve the teams on which I have power and am always looking for a way to perfect the builds of my own players. If you choose to sign up and play, please contact me (if I don't contact you after seeing you use my sign up code) the screen name is the same on here as it is in GLB.

eRepublik Goals
I hope to be an influential person in my political party, while remaining fair and impartial to the other parties in my country. If I hold an office of power I will remain loyal to my electorate, and I will hope to work to make what ever office I hold better for those around me and those who will follow me. I would also like to be a business owner, and as soon as I am able to afford a house and have enough gold to start a business I hope to achieve that. As a business owner I hope to have a highly successful business which will allow me to compensate my employees more than fairly and be able to donate back to the community. Until then I can promise to work everyday at the businesses that employ me so that they can improve the standing of their owners. I also hope to help serve my country by training everyday in the military, and if called upon I would serve in a war and help bring glory to my country.

Periódico del Sol Goals
I hope this is an insightful newspaper that will bring you news of my player, my plans and anything that I see that could be fixed or changed with anything my player is involved in. This won't be used to bash players or to humiliate or mock opponents. I will try to keep bias out, as best as I am able and I hope to bring insight I gain from more experienced players in. I would love to have people from outside my party, city, or country read this regularly, and I will try to keep regular updates as I see fit to this. I will also try to respond to PMs and comments I get on the articles I write.