MoMe: Pride and Nation

Day 2,410, 20:01 Published in Ireland USA by Raven Anarcho

"Patriotism is, fundamentally, a conviction that a particular country is the best in the world because you were born in it...." - George Bernard Shaw

Pride - a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

To be proud of something, you indicate that there are lesser alternatives. You also indicate that you are responsible for the outcome which you're proud of. For example: You are proud to have scored a B on your college tests, because you could've scored a C but didn't. You are responsible for this outcome due to both your intelligence, which clearly separates you from other individuals, and because you took the time to study.

Before you claim to be "proud" of something, you should ask yourself the following questions:

1. Are there lesser or greater alternatives?
2. Why are the alternatives lesser or greater?
3. Did I have control or choice over the outcome?
4. Do others have control over their own alternative outcomes?
5. Does the outcome alone actually differentiate me from others?

Race, gender, religion, nationality. These are the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.


When someone claims to be proud to be black or white, they fail to acknowledge that:
A. They had no choice to be born as such.
B. There are positive and negative traits in the characters of humans, none of which are directly related to race.

Always remember to be proud of who you are and what you do, not what you are.


Gender would seem different only in the fact that some people choose to surgically change their gender. But this is done out of stereotype. "What?!" you may ask. You're under the impression that was a rather intolerant statement. But what does a man mean when he says he "feels like he should've been born a woman". Does this not offend women? How would he know what it's like to be a woman?

There are no personality characteristics that apply strictly to men or women. Compassion, arrogance, masculinity, femininity, hardheadedness, sensitivity. These are traits found in a variety of men and women, but not synonymous to strictly one or the other. The only things that separate are physical. Those physical traits say nothing conclusive of personality.

Personally, I feel that the want to be socially accepted is what "feeling like a woman is". Be yourself, as yourself. I believe that because the world is becoming more socially accepting to men and women who do not fit stereotypes, and more socially accepting to homosexuals, transgender-ism will no longer serve its purpose and will become less common as time goes on. In the end, it's the world who should accept everyone the way they are, knowing we are all different. Do not change for a blind world. Open their eyes.


Religion is different in the sense that people choose their religion. But do they all? Is it a choice of your religion if you choose not to change it, or simply your choice not to research the alternatives with an open mind?

1. For once, open your mind to the possibility that another religion, or no religion, may be correct.
2. Research alternatives. When you read something, don't immediately assume it to be false just because it's different than your religion states. Keep in mind you've left that religion behind and are now open minded.
3. Take the information and make an informed decision, or even choose to remain agnostic.
4. Have faith knowing that, for the Christians reading, there are "born-again Christians" who "lose their way" and find it back to Christianity. It's ok to stop following the religion, so long as you, if you believe it a mistake, ask forgiveness for sinning, going astray ect.
5. If your religion, unlike Christianity, is unnaccepting of those who leave it, then once its all over with ask yourself if it's really the right religion for you in the first place.

At this stage, there are still no human characteristics which clearly divide those of each religion from one another. However, at least it was now an actual choice of yours, and not simply something you were born with that you never thought twice to give up.


And now, nationalism. Perhaps the trickiest of the horsemen, much like religion in the sense that people are born with a nationality, but can change it.

"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
-Albert Einstein

Timmy: Hey God.
Go😛 Hey Timmy, please have a seat in my office.
Timmy: Thanks
Go😛 So as you know, you're due to be born in 9 months so it's time to choose your birthplace.
Timmy: Sweet.
Go😛 So we have only 2 availabilities right now. Somalia or the United States.
Timmy: ...hmmm...
Go😛 Well in Somalia you're more likely to live in poverty, while even the poor in the US are pretty well off in comparison. They've scratched my back so I've scratched theirs.
Timmy: Well I guess I'll pick the US then.
Go😛 Wise choice.

Ok now wake up to reality. None of us chose where we were born. Imagine a world where people who share similarities could cheaply and easily move to live with others of similar personalities and beliefs. That is not Earth you're imagining.

Ask yourself:
1. Have I ever lived in any other nations?
2. Did I notice aspects in the culture or people which I found to be less or more favourable?
3. Do I think that from that experience I grasped an understanding of the different cultures and people throughout most areas of the world?
4. Do I have the money and time to move to one of those nations?

If you've lived in a handful of nations, could differentiate one from the other, and had the money to move back, but chose to stay, then guess what? You CHOSE to stay. Be proud of your decision.


Aside from the dysfunctional relationship with pride, what do these four things have in common?

Governments of past and present have used these things to control and influence their populations. They help unite us as a group, only to divide us as a whole. They all serve positive purposes, drawing motivation from within. But they are doomed to lead us to our own self-destruction, should we not overcome their power over us.

After September 11th, 2001, the United States was near an all time high on patriotism. The Bush administration used this patriotism to send America into Iraq, which most Americans disapproved of years later. This is nationalism at its purest, serving its destined purpose. It was the same patriatism that led Americans, centuries earlier, to declare their independence from an oppressive Britain. They were united by the only similarity they all shared aside from being human, their residence. But it motivated them, and provided comradery and a common mentality needed to win a revolution.

But at the end of the day, though they all had their nationality in common, it said nothing about who they were as a character. Had the British not thought lesser of their territories, there'd be no justification for the Americans to think themselves different than the British either.


Can we be proud to be the only thing we all have in common? I believe not. We've done so many horrible things to ourselves and the world around us. We are our own biggest threat, and a potential threat to the entire universe.

But be proud in the fact that we can change.

It's unreasonable to be proud of what we are, as it says nothing conclusive about us. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians. We've all done more harm than good, and the good often comes to undo the bad. Who would the allied forces of world war II saved from concentration camps had they never been used in the first place by other humans? Some of those allied nations had even ran their own concentration camps in the past.

We should strive to be proud of what we are, but in the end the only thing we all share in common is our humanity. We should strive to see eachother as one. Only then can we make true progress worth being proud of.

I want to be proud to be human

I'd accept those who are proud to be eIrish or eCroatian any day over RL nationalists. Unlike in RL, we can so easily change communities here. We can get nearly an entire understanding of other communities just by studying it from the outside. In that sense they CHOOSE their nationality in game.


by Youth Brigade:

Well I've been around the country
And I've met a lot of kids
Some kids are smart and some kids are dumb
But I don't pass judgement they're just having fun
Some kids get f*cked up and others refrain
But that's what makes the world so great
No one should be the same
The kids of the future
you can see it in their eyes
They must overcome nationality
If the World is to survive

And we'll sink with California
When it falls into the sea

Oi I'm not from England, Je Ne Suis pas de France
Ich bin nicht von Deutschland and I can't dance
Well I could say California it means nothing to me.
I despise nationality
Shouldn't say that you're from
north, south, east or west
It's humanity that is the best

Yo no soy Mexico, no Sano De Italia
That's all the languages we know
And actually we're from Canada
Yes we love to travel, but we love to see
That California border, forever and a day
We'll sink with California
When it falls into the sea

From the mountains, to the prairies
From the desert to the sea
I'd say California, it means nothing to me
I despise territoriality
I don't care if you're from north, south, east or west
live for humanity, forget the rest.
Yo I'm not from New York, I'm not from Boston
Y'all I ain't from Texas and I'm not patriotic
Cause the only patriotism that we really need
Is to sink with the world, with humanity and me


I know some of these ideas are highly controversial, and I expect some debates below, though I wasn't looking for them, just wanted an opportunity to get my thoughts out there to anyone willing to give them a read. Besides, I know some of you are looking for some entertainment so grab your popcorn.


My 2 year birthday is coming up. I was hoping to reach my 100th article by then, since I finished my 50th last year. My duties as MoC have kept me too busy for it however. I'll be stepping down at the end of the term, and focus on my party, the recruiting guild, and perhaps my newspaper.


Issue Song:

Youth Brigade - Sink with California

"All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers... Each one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born.” -François Fénelon

The Irish Radical issue #79