MoDA while I have been involved

Day 1,490, 06:42 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Happenings of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs

Well I must say it has been a busy 2 and a half months, in this ministry. Just to give you a run down of how I got here. I had been playing this game logging on fighting, working and then logging off for nearly a year.

Then our then president Oprah Winfrey offered me an intern position in the MoDA. Iwas then quickly (within a week) made Director of Education, I then set out to write articles on people that I interviewed. Then halfway through that term our Minister resigned leaving the MoDA with no head and no neck either, Oprah took a big risk then and placed Wilpanzer and myself as Minister and Deputy respectively. This was two weeks after becoming an intern.

Exactly what we had wanted Wil and I quickly jumped to the role. Putting people into respective roles. We started transforming the MoDA from a ministry that was always used as a stepping stone, as a ministry where a person is proud to belong to. Then during the last term Wilpanzer handed in his notice and took a break from the game for a while leaving me at the helm.

From the word go wil and I inherited 4 players that where involved right from the beginning with us.

DonVin with his daily agonies was poised to be one of the best Directors of Culture eSA had ever seen. He started the highly anticipated Hotseat having many a player subjected to greulling questions. DonVin you have been a key figure in this ministry I hope to one day see you at the helm.

Wabaki my slave (hehehehe) What can I say Director of Education. By far the best! In the short period he was involved he has produced some of the best content seen in a long time. First up he created a starter pack for beginners – a very basic guide to playing this sometimes overwhelming game. Next he created a facebook greeting page, as a bit of and extra bonus. Next he designed the eSA bible a pdf format book that explains in detail the different happenings of the game.

Samgibz was never involved in an official capacity but brought about a New Player Program that is helping new citizens to become experienced with the helping out of products. We have seen players gaining experience.

Joseph Rich current dMoDA, this chap has contributed in the mentorship program placing the new players in the care of more experienced players. Thanks again Joseph for your dedication.

Many others contributed to this Ministry and if I have missed you realize it wasn’t on purpose.

Lastly to thank Wilpanzer for his role in establishing things in this ministry. Thanks your effort has been well appreciated if it wasn’t for you a lot of things would not have happened.

I have really enjoyed my time in the MoDA and have had a fun ride, greeting new players and making them feel welcome. Being involved in a team of guys that have made this game more enjoyable for me and keeps me coming back for more. I have taken stock of my achievements thus far and am happy with the outcome.

I will be moving on from the MoDA at the end of this term. I will see out my responsibilities and duties as I’m not the type of person that leaves something unwatched.

I would also like to make a challenge to the players of this game, I dare you to do a better job than my team and I have. PM me if you think you can do a better job.

I will be embarking on the next phase of my political journey and will make an announcement shortly on where I will be going soon…

Thanks Ricky